Steam Autumn Sale Begins

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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[br]Today begins the first Steam Autumn sale, assuming this is a separate sale from the infamously poverty-inducing Christmas sale! The same format applies, deals throughout the period with special massive discounts on daily deals starting with:
Portal 2(66% off)[br]Call of Duty: Black Ops (50% off)[br]Duke Nukem Forever (66% off)
Check back each day for the new daily deals. You might want to start xmas shopping early this year for the annual secret santa (for our regular members only) or just treat yourself to something new to play on these bitterly cold evenings!
Oh god my poor wallet, this isn't fair, Steam, you're supposed to wait until christmas
Oddboxx is worth it just for the Abe games. Never played the 3D ones and for a tenner no one has an excuse not to get Portal 2 any more.
I'm just staring at the Orcs Must Die! page. I really don't need any more indie games with 10 minutes played. But that looks so damn good.
Orcs must Die is something I've wanted, perfect price now.

Kind of tempted to try one of the Men of War games as well.
Finally snagged ME1, 2, and MoW Assault Squad.

**** you, Steam.
Why couldn't you let me recuperate and wait until Christmas? ;(

Thank God I already did my Xmas shopping.
Gifted ME1 for bro. Same price I got it for a couple years ago.
I have to resist. During Christmas sale we will surely have even better deals. It always happens.
Yes, I'll wait for Christmas sale too. Some of these are already good prices though. Just about everything on my wishlist is 50% off. Considering that a lot of them are old cheap games, I can save maybe $2-$5 per game if I wait. Am I that stingy? Yes, yes I am. :o
(the thing about not having that much time to play games, is that I rarely feel like I "need" to buy anything. though it is still a little tempting.)
Have so many games as it is and yes Xmas sales will be even better if not the same so I can wait
In slightly-amusing TF2 news, Valve seem to have added an a minecraft head item to TF2 that appears to only be for Notch and not available to anyone else.
I'm just staring at the Orcs Must Die! page. I really don't need any more indie games with 10 minutes played. But that looks so damn good.
I bought it, I'll be spending a lot more than 10 minutes this one. If anyone's on the edge, just buy it while it's cheap. It's incredibly fun and entertaining, I'm completely addicted.

In slightly-amusing TF2 news, Valve seem to have added an a minecraft head item to TF2 that appears to only be for Notch and not available to anyone else.

Notch once tweeted about people calling him a "fake" Notch on TF2. Then he retweeted a reply which said that he should e-mail Valve and ask them to create a hat just for him. And here we are.
Maybe I should email them so I can prove I'm actually a Vortigaunt.
I bought it, I'll be spending a lot more than 10 minutes this one. If anyone's on the edge, just buy it while it's cheap. It's incredibly fun and entertaining, I'm completely addicted.

Does look pretty fun, and I haven't played a tower-defense-based game in forever. I'll check it out.
Is tomorrow the last day of the sales? It's confusing to live in Europe. I'm kinda hoping for a daily deal for Assassin's Creed series, but if it doesn't show up, I'll just buy a bunch of smaller games. So I'd like to be sure when the last daily deals show up.

Edit: Thanks!
Yeah about a day from now the final day of deals will be up. At which point you should purchase any discounted games from the general sale if they didn't get a daily deal!
Ah dangit I'm buying Limbo. $2.49 daily deal. You win Steam.