Steam broke my PC


Angus Oge

The other day I got an error message related to Steam; I wasn't in a game, but I was starting one (or trying to quit; sorry, I forget). The thing is, before that my PC ran fine, but ever since then it's been running really balky; whenever I play sound, whether in a game or outside one, it hesitates a lot at first, and the Windows interface is balky too. Like sometimes when I just move my mouse around the cursor freezes for a few seconds. That kind of thing _never_ happened before I got the Steam error.

Any idea what it could be and how to fix it?
I'd say uninstall steam and its games and see if the problem still occurs. Other wise i wouldn't know, i dont think I've ever heard of this problem before.

EDIT: some specs would help as well, why dont you go ahead and post those.
Could be a multitude of problems from hardware issues to driver problems you can't just blame it on steam, if uninstalling steam doesn't work do the classic problem solver and re-install windows.

I'm guessing you've tried rebooting your computer, I'm just thinking along the lines of hibernating or sleeping.
I called Valve today. I left a "I hate your Steam BS. Let me play my frigging Orange Box" message in their general voicemail box.

Is it too much to ask to actually PLAY the games?
I called Valve today. I left a "I hate your Steam BS. Let me play my frigging Orange Box" message in their general voicemail box.

Is it too much to ask to actually PLAY the games?

lol. It would be great if they rang back and said " I hate you stupid prank callers BS. Let us do our job you n00b" :p
Weird things happening to my computer in steam

I just got a new computer and I was testing it out with counter strike source. Anyway, for some reason, when i set the settings to max, I get the same slowdowns and stutters and shit as when I set it to medium with no AA or AF. This makes no sense to me. So I did the netgraph thing to track my fps when I had max graphics settings enabled, my fps would jump all over the place from 100+ fps one second to 20 the next seemingly randomly (this happens when there is nothing really going on in the match, no explosions and stuff). Why does my fps jump so drastically and how come my game STILL lags when I set the settings way lower?

Another problem I had was that during matches, my computer has randomly shut down a few times when I'm playing. It is very weird because it is not a normal shutdown, my monitor completely turns off and acts like it has been shut off but my pc acts like it is still on (light stays on and I can hear the fans working), which forces me to hardboot the computer. Anyone know what could possibly cause this to happen?

I have a windows vista 64 bit operating system if that helps
Another problem I had was that during matches, my computer has randomly shut down a few times when I'm playing. It is very weird because it is not a normal shutdown, my monitor completely turns off and acts like it has been shut off but my pc acts like it is still on (light stays on and I can hear the fans working), which forces me to hardboot the computer. Anyone know what could possibly cause this to happen?

Sounds like your Graphics card might be overheating and shutting down, hence the monitor switching off. Source games still have problems on Vista especially 64 bit versions so don't expect the same performance and running it on XP.
i highly doubt my graphics card is overheating. it's kind of a midrange one (geforce 8600 gts) and my computer case has a temperature monitor on it that checks the cpu and hard drive temperatures. cpu stays between 32-38 degrees celsius and harddrive stays 24-28 degrees. so i'm sure the graphics card is around that temperature. anyway, forgot to mention that after my monitor shuts down, i can still hear the sounds from the game coming through my speakers which adds to the confusing factor.
folding combine

hey everyone,
have changed the combine so that my model takes its place, however when the model is in hammer when its killed the legs stay upright and the body executes the dying animation. can anyone help with this is it the physics or the ragdoll :s
any help is appriciated
hey everyone,
have changed the combine so that my model takes its place, however when the model is in hammer when its killed the legs stay upright and the body executes the dying animation. can anyone help with this is it the physics or the ragdoll :s
any help is appriciated

Here is some help. Learn to post in correct topics and not revive month old threads, infact create a new thread since your issue isn't even dealing with this topic...