Steam bug concerning the Favorites Tab

Dr. Freeman

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
anyone notice after the recent update that Steam does not remember the servers u have added to favorites?

i have this problem and its annoying :hmph:
i did look around over at the Steampowered forums but searching through that mess is like finding a needle in a haystack :|
anyone having this or a similar problem?

any solutions?
Yep, same here... Pretty damn annoying.
in CSS it has always been like that for me. In cs it used to be like that, but somehow it got fixed. Can't tell you a solution to the problem. It just seems like steam has a really bad memory. Like alzheimers light or something. Let's hope valve fix this .. Adding servers every day is annoying..
Yes i have it too... very frustating... cus with other steam games favourites work for me.. but like ecthe|ion said it was also CS prob... Programming error? or steam fault? who knows
tseam is funky...every time i start it ...wether at fiurst boot or after the machine has been on, it will say there is no connection, even tho there is one.

ever here of pen and pencil? lol j/k
hey i found a solution.. well sort of.

it doesn't work for everyone but worth a try.
click on filters and choose "All games" and then click on the Internet Tab and hit refresh.
then click on the Favorites Tab and it might work.. it did for me, hopefully it works for u guys.
well thanks for the solution! i will look if it works :)