Steam Chat Now Available In-Browser


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
That's right, you can now use Steam chat at work! The chat can be accessed from your Steam Community home page or simply by clicking this link. The chat is a beta and you can't yet change your status, join a group chat or see nicknames you've tagged your friends with but hopefully these features will be added soon.

While we're on the subject of Steam chat, be sure to join the ValveTime Steam Community page and hop into the chat some time.
The latest beta also supports the offline messages!
This is great, I also noticed it supports chat logging to a certain degree, it shows you your last conversation whenever you open chat with someone. But I also noticed that all my removed contacts still show up, dozens of them (I'm a trader, so I add and remove people all the time). When I tried to message some to see if my messages went through, none replied, so I'm assuming you can't message people in your friends list.