Steam Client Update Released


Companion Cube
Jun 4, 2004
Reaction score
A client update for Steam has been released. Among some legacy fixes for Windows 2000, which is nice for time travellers stuck in the past until their DeLoreans are fixed, there are a few good changes:[br]
  • Small startup performance optimization to not initialize settings dialog data until needed
  • Decreased the time it takes Steam to launch some games
  • Fixed memory leak when resizing in-game overlay web browser
  • Fixed potential failure or client hang when failing talking to content server directory servers
  • Fix the you have been logged in elsewhere dialog to not leave Steam in a broken state on Cancel
  • Fixed in-game overlay generating spurious D3D11 debug runtime warnings about CSSetUnorderedAccessViews when running on downlevel hardware
  • Fix regression causing a crash on exit in the in-game overlay
  • Support for a forthcoming news URL format change
[br]To see the full change-log, click here. As always, restart your client to receive the update.
Yes I noticed an improvement in launch time too. I wonder why they are changing their news URLs. Steam 5 incoming!?
Haven't played any games yet since this update, but Steam itself starts up much quicker now. My machine is a x2 5600+, 2gb ram, 9800gt and sometimes it felt like Steam took longer to load than HL2 or something.

Big thing for me though is now it's almost instant that Steam detects no internet connection and lets you choose offline mode. Previously it would sit there for 10min or so before that option came up.

I'm still not crazy about the constant synchronizing (which I see is a Steam thing and not a Portal thing like I previously thought). Be nice if there was an option to disable it. Overall this version is definitely a step forward compared to earlier ones.
TF2 has been taking ages and ages to load ever since about a year and a half ago. And for the past month, being on a pair of ATA-100 5400RPM hard drives meant that TF2 took literally two to three minutes to launch (and another 30-45 seconds to load the menu screen). But after this update, it launches in about eight seconds :D
Reporting TF2 loading faster here too. Thank God too as I was having to constantly close and rerun it yesterday to test scripts.