Steam Client Update

Nov 1, 2004
Reaction score
New store website. Buy things better you will.
  • Updated the Steam client to use our new store website
  • Updated the fallback URL for content-server banner ads
  • Fixed empty login dialog at startup
  • Fixed offline mode sometimes not working
Restart Steam to automatically get the update, or you may select File > Check for Steam client updates...
Updating now.
Nothing important on the list other than the new website as far as I can tell.
Well if they've fixed offline mode fully this time, that's pretty impressive. Some people must be crying with joy.
AtomicSpark Staff

wtf hax
Gave him access to do a job he volunteered to do to, great of him! Need to pick things up where others fall short :)
What's all this "new store website" stuff? I can't see any difference.
They made the whole page longer. For example, take a look at the "New Releases, Top Sellers, Top Rated, Coming Soon" area. They now show 10 games instead of 5.

But yes, you're right. They should of said "updated store layout" instead of "updated to new store website".
The offline mode fix actually works. It used never work if you had previously exited Steam mid-update. Meaning that if you started updating Steam that you couldn't use it again until you had updated it fully. (Giving the silly error message of not being able to do it while not connected to the Steam servers). It works properly now.