Steam doesn't run


Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
So... Steam doesn't work.

I click on a shortcut to it and the mouse turns into the typical hourglass and I hear the usual whurring from the computer that you'd expect to hear. And occasionally, if I'm lucky, I get to a loading "Updating Steam" window. Which then promptly disappears and nothing happens. If I'm not lucky, nothing will happen apart from a steam.exe appearing in Processes when I press Ctrl-Alt-Delete.

Also, possibly related, my virus scan software always crashes when scanning the same file in windows32.

I'm thinking of completely rebuilding my computer soon, but as it stands it won't be for a few months. So I'd like to have a clean computer until then.
Try deleting your Clientregistry.blob :
Exit Steam. Delete the clientregistry.blob in the main Steam folder and the platform.gcf file in the Steamapps folder. But make a backup of them first by copying them in another folder! Now restart Steam.
Hmmm... well that's got it running. But not updating.

I guess I'll just wait...

EDIT: Whoo... updating.

You are a bonafied genius.

EDIT: Scrap that. It updated then quit again.
It's reformattin' time!

Eh, I always reformat when I get a big virus I can't be bothered to deal with. I back everything up once a month as it stands.

Sorry I can't be of any help, but that's my general solution to things. > >
Bah. Reformatting was what screwed up my computer last time. But you may be right...

I could technically afford my entire upgrade now, but then I would suddenly feel a huge whole in my pocket and be like D:
Ye I suggest reinstall Steam or something. Just back up your game files :p