I am very thankful that I don't have the crashing problems that some of you are having. Mine is more of a nuisence than anything.
It started happening yesterday. After I quit a game of CS:S or HL2 everything shuts down and returns to my desktop...but then I get this message:
Steam.exe (main exception): Win32 StructuredException at 0xxxxxx : Attempt to Read from virtual address xxxxx without appropriate access rights.
When I click "ok", Steam is terminated. Anyone heard of this before?
P4 2.2
512mb ram
9800 pro
new TechConnect drivers (Based on Catylst 4.12 beta)
It started happening yesterday. After I quit a game of CS:S or HL2 everything shuts down and returns to my desktop...but then I get this message:
Steam.exe (main exception): Win32 StructuredException at 0xxxxxx : Attempt to Read from virtual address xxxxx without appropriate access rights.
When I click "ok", Steam is terminated. Anyone heard of this before?
P4 2.2
512mb ram
9800 pro
new TechConnect drivers (Based on Catylst 4.12 beta)