Steam For Linux Open Beta Reportedly Next Week


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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435 are reporting that Valve are giving a Christmas present to Linux gamers next week in the form of an open beta for their Linux client. The beta started with 1000 users in November in order to work out the initial bugs before a public release.

There are currently 34 games for Linux in the Steam store including the free to play Team Fortress 2, so anyone can take part. Other highlights of the bunch include Killing Floor, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, World of Goo and Serious Sam 3. There are many other games on Steam with a native Linux version in some not yet available through Steam like Bastion, Unreal Tournament 2004 and Braid that we will hopefully become available on Steam soon. With full release of Steam on Linux approaching we may also see more developers moving their games to the platform, particularly if rumours concerning Valve's upcoming hardware running on the platform are true.
Psh, I am a pro. My vocal chords are made of STEEL.
This is good. I think I'm going to set up a dual-boot this weekend.