Steam Memory Error Issue

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Wow, you guys are pretty hostile here. I registered as Shadow1198 to respond to some other guy's post regarding a memory error with steam as it helped me and just wanted to say thanks. Two people verbally attack me and a day or 2 later I get banned and the thread deleted?! Geez, game forums are pretty hostile. ;) lol ANYWAYS, since that thread was obviously deleted I felt the "memory" crash some people are experiencing should be pointed out again. This is the error message: The Instruction at 0x####### referenced memory at 0x#######. The memory could not be read

Anyways, it should be noted that if you go to View > Settings > In-Game and un-check the Enable Steam Community In-Game box, that can eliminate the issue for SOME people. I don't know if it will necessarily work for everyone but, it worked for me. Now, please don't ban me again, I'm just trying to help. :cheers:
Wow, you guys are pretty hostile here.

Well that's a hell of a way to start off a post in a forum that is so "hostile" as you said. ;)

We try to keep the forums here clean from people who have an illegal game. We hate pirates. I've had the pirate gun pointed at me for something as simple as a sound file missing. Yes we can be hostile, but this site, being one of the top HL fan sites, gets a lot of traffic, as you can surely tell by the activity level.
;) I completely understand. I didn't think that I might have come off as some h@Xor/spammer idiot. I 100% own all my games so no problem there. lol I was just hoping this little tidbit might help someone as I went through the whole Steam troubleshooting procedure and completely overlooked that little checkbox.