Steam Not Loading With Windows


Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
Not sure if this is the right place for this thread, but I couldn't see another more apt forum, so I'll try my luck.

When I load Steam, I go into the Settings window and tick the box asking Steam to load when Windows does... All fine and dandy. Click OK, minimise it and restart.

However, when Windows loads up again, I log in, but Steam doesn't start. Weird. So I check the settings, and lo and behold, "Run Steam with Windows" is unticked again.

This happens every time, and I'm not sure what's causing it. I was wondering if anyone else was having the same problem?
Good thought. I tried that just now, and when I reloaded it, it did in fact work and save the setting, but as soon as I restarted, it defaulted to unticked again.

So close, but thank you for the idea.
gordan has a point there is really no point. with the automatic opening on it will speed up booting....alittle and opening it takes like 5 seconds
lol wow i just re-read my post guess i didnt pay attention at all haha. there is a point but there isnt?
It's not a worry, however I'm not interested in boot speeds and the like, I'm interested in ease of use. It's not hugely important, but I would still like it to work, or is that too much to ask of something that should work but doesn't?
Try this:

Start - run - "msconfig". Go to the startup tab, and find the steam entry. Make sure it is ticked. Restart the PC.
Link, you sir, are a star! I'm not sure how it got unticked, I'm not one to get involved with msconfig myself and I know I never unticked it, but it was clear, so I ticked it, restarted and voila!

Thank you!