Steam Not Responding?

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Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
I have steam and a truckload of steam games on my account,now I'm on my laptop and I've downloaded steam - when I double-click the steam icon,nothing happens.At all!

I know I ain't being specific but can anyone give a clue or just a slight hint as to what the f*ck is wrong with my system?!

If I can access steam and enter my account,all I'll have to do is to re-install my in-account games,right?

Ok,so here's what I need:

1)Hints and clues as to why steam ain't responding to my clicks.

2)If all I have to do is to re-install my in-account games after I access my steam account on a different computer.

PLease help my out,guys - so will you guys help a friend in need? ;(
Bring up the task manager (CTRL-ALT-DEl) and see if you can see a "steam.exe" entry.
Uninstall then reinstall steam. If that doesn't work then I really can't help you right now, im dead tired.
Naah,it still ain't responding to my clicks,I've re-installed 3 times already :( Do you think maybe it's because when I installed Steam,during the installation,it asks you for your internet connection speed,do you think maybe I checked the wrong connection speed making Steam inaccessible?
hi ppl my half-life 2 is the same i click the half-life2 icon and it starts to launch it then it goes off!!!

p.s task manager shows no information

any help please
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