Steam owned

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Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Good job valve :LOL:

Cafe owners are in trouble, and users who made online purchases may be next

VALVe's STEAM content distribution system has been the target of no small share of bad press since it was created, with complaints ranging from apathetic customer service to the inability to play legitimately purchased games online. Some users have had their accounts locked, deleted, or hijacked - but a hacker known only as "MaddoxX" has just opened a rather sizeable can of worms.

According to a posting made on an anti-STEAM website, MaddoxX has bypassed VALVe's security system and accessed a significant chunk of data, including:

Screenshots of internal VALVe web pages
A portion of VALVe's Cafe directory
Error logs
Credit card information of customers
Financial information on VALVe

How come this isn't on the frontpage? (or did I miss something >_> )
There was a thread on this.....then it dissapeared.

I've had fewer problem with Steam compared to other games, I think the idea is great and support it.
I'm not sure if we're allowed to keep these threads or not, so Ennui and I have deleted all the ones made so far.

I am keeping this one but closed as a kind of forewarning. (And save me some eraser! :p)
Oh yes, how very :LOL: :LOL: , what a :LOL: thing to :LOL: about. About as moronic as the guy who hacked it.
Deep breathes, Samon.

In... and out...
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