Steam poll retardedness

Eh, They probably photoshopped it in.
sinkoman said:
No. I took that screenshot.

Oh, Nevermind then.

Can't you do something like with umm...that winxp editing program?
...Style XP or some crap?
I saw this as well today. I was like WTF? but I didn't think much of it...
If you find out a way don't post it...

Then the Steam Survey will be at least 100,000 pages long with everyone having a "unique" name...
stylexp ? lol .. that's for visual themes.

and yes, there are programs for editing things like that.
Wtf...if you figure out a way to rename your cpu why the hell would you name it something so stupid...
because geeks do htings like that, and 'allyourbase' is a geek icon; go figure.
One word.

But that can cause problems. LIke when a program checks your CPU to see if it meets the won't be able to. So yeah...not really worth it.
Yeah they fixed it last night. Oh well. It was a meh funny. Kids will do anything to get attention. Where are their parents? :P