Steam Purchase



Hey Guys I Got 2 Comps And 2 Steam Accounts.

I ordered HL2 SILVER PACKAGE just fine but when i wen't to do it on my other comp/steam account it said that the card has been used too many times in steam . . . So am i to understand that I can only have 1 copy or what?

Any help would be appreciated
I do believe that you have to wait 24 hours before you can use the credit card, to prevent fraud.
No, its actually a smart move. They've already had fraud with the CZ purchases, of course a few months ago they banned those people off steam.
Yeah, a lot of people were using fake credit cards to access CZ. So I believe that this is how they fixed it.
oh well it just means i have to wait for tomorro to play css while my bastard bro can play
DAMN! My company spends all a steam abo to all worker but THAT too many time shit doesn't allow it...
SwissError said:
DAMN! My company spends all a steam abo to all worker but THAT too many time shit doesn't allow it...

what the hell were you trying to say? can someone get spell checker for this guy?
'abos'? thats not english, bro :) I'm guessing you mean 'accounts'