Steam readying up?

are you trying to hint at the prepared release of HL2, , makes sense, there preparing it now, so its ready god knows when,, right valve, :p
I wouldn't say that its coming really soon, but this is a good sign that steam is stabilizing and perhaps the release of hl2 over steam will be relatively smooth. : / I don't know.
The hardware survey intrigues me, are they going to scale their graphics more than they are at or what? hmmmmm
im not getting it off steam,, thats real lazy and cheap ass. It'll be great for people who want to copy the game though for illegal purposes :p.. I want mine in a nice neat pretty box, :)
"Account validation (via e-mail)"

Good to see they took my advice :p
heh, if friends don't work ever then wots the chance of steam workin when every 1 is downloading HL2 :(
They have the bittorrent creator on their side. That system works great. So ... assuming you have broadband of course... you wont have any problems with the updates/downloads.
yer 5kbs download and 30kbs upload. lovely :( maybe i'm pesimistic or sumthin :/
Ive been saying it for awhile and I may aswell repeat it(As many other people on the Steam boards have said)

Steam is gonna be brilliant IF they can get it right.It is a precourser to the Internet taking over as the medium for Media aquisition.(Read Mispent Youth by Peter F. Hamilton for the possible big brother of Steam and other programs)
Steam sounds like a good media distributor, but I would like to have my physical copy of HL2, with the pretty box and everything :thumbs:
yer i would like a DVD case copy 2. its gonna be huge so download will take hours. take 1 to go pick it up :)
Yeah but will we have to pay VAT or the Third party store charges?No P&P either if u were to have it delievered.Though i would like to get the Special Ed for the extras.
Technically, it might not be that big (maybe slow is more accurate) to download at all.

If you only download say, the first level, and then you can start play, and it downloads as you play, it won't take that long (well, feel like it).

This is what they've been saying right?

EDIT: Obviousely, not a huge plus for dial-up people...

poor bastards.. :LOL: :p
The man does have a point,Those poor poor dial up people ;( i remember what it was like,listening to that Computer jibberish as your 56k kicked into life.And as of pings :angry: :sniper: .
I think they also said that subscribers would be able to start downloading it from Steam one week before the official release, so that on the release day they would have quite a lot of the game. At least that is what they were going to do in September.

I played Opposing Force downloading it as I went along, and although it took longer to load than normal, it wasn't that much of a wait, but then Half Life 2 is going to be a lot more detailed than OpFor.
I am extremly skeptical of downloading a game for money. It's just not real enough for me. I honestly don't care if the downloads will work or not because I am going to try and get the DVD version.

I would like to be a part of standerdizing DVD copies of games. It's a superior format and it should start to take the place of these multi cd packs. I also got a gift card for futureshop that I am going to buy the game with. It's gonna kill me that I have to wait for those boobs to get HL2 in stock.
Voodoo_Chile said:
Yeah but will we have to pay VAT or the Third party store charges?No P&P either if u were to have it delievered.Though i would like to get the Special Ed for the extras.
You'd still have to pay VAT even for the online version. If SOE's any indication, the EU requires online services to colect VAT for all european users.

As for me, DVD special edition all the way, I'm not buying anything less then the biggest uber-packaged version they've got :p
Fallout2man said:
As for me, DVD special edition all the way, I'm not buying anything less then the biggest uber-packaged version they've got :p

Amen to that! And I remember the old 56k days. That was wayyy back then. I rember playing CS with a ping of 300-350 and maybe 250 if I was lucky. Lol, I remember it was so much fun but whenever I shot I guy in the head, It would take like 3 seconds for him to die. Then, when I got cable and played CS, I was UNSTOPPABLE!!!
When you download it you don't have the whole game so you can't burn it to DVD. At least I don't think you could. Wouldn't they just keep a 1/4 of the game so that you couldn't burn it ? Who knows. The one thing I do know is that this game will be pirated so fast why bother trying to stop them. Just imagine the number of people vieing for the the chance to be the first guy to pirate this game. I give it...4 days tops.

That's in the future though. And I don't care if it's stolen... I am gonna buy my version no matter what.
wonkers said:
When you download it you don't have the whole game so you can't burn it to DVD. At least I don't think you could. Wouldn't they just keep a 1/4 of the game so that you couldn't burn it ? Who knows. The one thing I do know is that this game will be pirated so fast why bother trying to stop them. Just imagine the number of people vieing for the the chance to be the first guy to pirate this game. I give it...4 days tops.

That's in the future though. And I don't care if it's stolen... I am gonna buy my version no matter what.
You can start playing before it's fully downloaded... but it'll continue to download the whole thing when you're not playing... if you let it... as I understand it... :)

It's not like you'd be able to burn copies and sell them anyway... you have to validate with Steam...
wonkers said:
When you download it you don't have the whole game so you can't burn it to DVD. At least I don't think you could. Wouldn't they just keep a 1/4 of the game so that you couldn't burn it ? Who knows. The one thing I do know is that this game will be pirated so fast why bother trying to stop them. Just imagine the number of people vieing for the the chance to be the first guy to pirate this game. I give it...4 days tops.

That's in the future though. And I don't care if it's stolen... I am gonna buy my version no matter what.

What has been stated by valve is that you will be able to burn the game onto a medium. What happens when you put the cd or dvd into a new computer it basically boots up steam and asks for your steam ID and pw. If you dont have one you make one and then buy the rights to play hl2. this was all intertwined with being able to play hl2 on mulitple computers. So you could have a copy at work and at home. download it at work, burn it, and then install it at home. It's pretty usefull if you think about it. You could dl it, burn it, and then give it to all your friends and they could buy the game and wouldnt have to dl it.
Well actually, I think it is just the Steam cache file they meant that you can burn, which means you would need a copy of Steam still for it to work.
Steam is like a 500k download. It's very, very tiny. And anyone can have a copy!