Steam really slow

James Isaac

Sep 24, 2003
Reaction score
could somoene help please, becuase I have a fast PC, adn when I played Half life CS etc. online it oonly took about 20 secs to load. But now that I have Steam, everything is going really slowly. MP games take about 4 mins to load. And in Op4 single player, the maps take about 2 mins to load, and the game keeps on hicupping just before anyone says a line.

Is this because of Steam. What should I do?
Asus A7N8X nForce mobo, AMD Athlon XP2800+ cpu, 1 GB RAM (running in dual channel mode), 120GB HDD, Nvidia Geforce2 Ultra (but I am getting a new graphics card soon - FX5600), ADSL (512Kb) broadband connection via 100Mb LAN.
I think it may be your graphics card but I can't be sure, because my specs are VERY close to yours.

Oh, and a word of advice. FX 5600s are worse than the TI4XXX series (G4) * It has been proven * Thats why Nvidia came out with the FX 5900 series fairly quickly. So get a FX 5900U or a G4. If you want, you could shoot for an ATi Radeon 9700 or up.