steam servers are too busy to handle your request



try again in a few minutes....its been doing this since about one a.m last night

whats the damn deal?

Hey buddy, i had the SAME problem...the busyness won't go away!! You have to get the file from some1 else - thats what i just did and it works fine!! If you have a messenger or an Email, i can send you the 30meg file, its seriously just one and its called
half-life 2 deathmatch.gcf 48.2 MB (50,559,980 bytes)

and if you need any other proof that i'm not trying to send you some kind of to i'm just trying to help...cuz steam sucks!!

[email protected]

AOL- xxfhspatriotxx
there's an answer to this on i think you close steam, delete clientregistry.blob and restart it, but DON'T quote me on that without checking

i think you'll find steam sucks a lot less if you bother to SEARCH their support pages!
With this issue their support pages does suck. There is no solution in their support pages that stops this issue. I am having the same issue trying to download Ep2 and so far I have gotten nothing but silence from the support staff.