Steam Summer Sale 2014 Begins - June 19th Through 30th


Retired Lead Content Creator
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May 29, 2007
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After the absence of a Steam Spring Sale earlier this year, we're happy to report the Steam Summer Sale 2014 has officially begun! This year's sale, which is known as "The Summer Sale & Bonus Summer Adventure", is set to run for 11 days from June 19th until the 30th.


Like other Steam Sales, this year's Summer sale welcomes the return of the 24-hour "Daily Deals", the 8-hour "Flash Sales", and the 8-hour "Community's Choice", all of which provide large, limited-time offers on a number of game titles.

Hundreds and likely thousands of other game titles and downloadable content are also on offer across the Steam Store, so be sure to seek out the games you want as you may still be able to grab yourself a bargain even if they aren't necessarily included in any of the larger deals. Just remember the golden rule, only purchase games or DLC during the larger sales up until the final day on June 30th, as you might end up spending more than you need to!

Like last year's Holiday Sale, Valve are providing extra opportunities for players to receive in-game rewards and content with the newly introduced "Summer Adventure". Crafting the Steam Summer Adventure 2014 badge (previously disguised as the "Mysterious" badge) will reward players with new themed emoticons, backgrounds, and in-game items such as cosmetics, community items. "Team Tokens" are also awarded and will provide point boost bonuses for the Summer Adventure mini-game.

By visiting the Summer Adventure page, players are randomly placed into one of five coloured teams which are made up of their friends and other participating Steam users. By crafting badges, players will receive points which are put towards their team's overall score.​
At the end of each day, the total points will be assessed and the team with the highest score will be declared the winner. 30 members of the winning team who contribute points will receive 3 games from their wishlist (for free), while everyone else on the same team will receive two bonus Summer Sale trading cards. Starting on Day 5, 20 member of the second place team will win 2 games from their wishlists, while 10 members of the third place team will win 1 game. Members of runner-up teams will receive a single bonus Summer Sale card for participating.​

For more information about this year's Steam Summer Sale, be sure to check out the Steam Storefront and the Steam Adventure FAQ! (Red team to win it all!)


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SteamSales are great and all but the service is awfuly slow when they are on
Is it just me or is it very unlikelly that anyone actually gets the free games from the daily winning team?
Is it just me or is it very unlikelly that anyone actually gets the free games from the daily winning team?

Why would it be unlikely? Valve would make a boatload more money than they're giving away just from people participating just to try and get the games, no matter how pathetic the odds are.
Why would it be unlikely? Valve would make a boatload more money than they're giving away just from people participating just to try and get the games, no matter how pathetic the odds are.

I was just referring to the odds. As you mentioned yourself they are probably very low...
I was just referring to the odds. As you mentioned yourself they are probably very low...

You just made it sound like you think nobody gets the games at all, which is why I replied as I did.
Is it just me or is it very unlikelly that anyone actually gets the free games from the daily winning team?

It's actually guaranteed that people will get free games, the odds of any specific person winning is low however.
Pardon me for asking, but how come the daily winning teams are perfectly even???

No one has an advantage?? Each day a different one always wins?? By the looks of it the "Blue team" will win today and I would guess that from today onwards all teams will win again 1 more time...a "little" strange perhaps????

Maybe I missed something important and this is all perfectly normal?
Yeah, it's kinda weird how every time the winning team is a few hundred thousand points in front of the 2nd team.
No one has an advantage?? Each day a different one always wins?? By the looks of it the "Blue team" will win today and I would guess that from today onwards all teams will win again 1 more time...a "little" strange perhaps????

From what I understand, Reddit is coordinating their efforts to make sure each team wins at least twice, for the sake of fairness. However, I'm looking forward to seeing how Day 11 is worked out, given that one team has to take the lead on the final day.
From what I understand, Reddit is coordinating their efforts to make sure each team wins at least twice, for the sake of fairness. However, I'm looking forward to seeing how Day 11 is worked out, given that one team has to take the lead on the final day.
That's stupid.
I understand how this might be fair to everyone, but at the same time makes creating badges useless, right?
This is just great....the games changes as normal and what do we get to see in the Summer Adventure page...

Negative numbers for the blue team?!?!?!
I understand how this might be fair to everyone, but at the same time makes creating badges useless, right?
But the only real advantage to winning is that you get a single extra card, if you contributed to your team's points that day. If you're talking about the free games drawing, the chance of you winning it even if you managed to make your team win every day are incredibly small. As you've said. And now at least everyone on Steam has an equal chance.

I don't get how anyone could be upset over the fact that people managed to get organized enough to make it happen this way. All it means is less people throwing money at their computer. It's so insignificant. Nothing really interesting was going to happen.
Seems like they put a stop to everyone can finally complain how this isn't fair because the same team will probably win every time?
