Steam Update & Final Teaser Online


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
Reaction score
Just a little over 13 hours before the much anticipated release of Episode One! Valve is kicking off the release with a fresh new Steam update in preparation of the games launch. "Friends" is now official, the ability to defrag specific Steam titles is now possible, and the Source Engine’s base content has been updated to support new technologies the engine will introduce. The entire changelog can be found at Steam’s website.[br]With the clock winding down, the final teaser (I assume) of Episode One is now online and available for download at Steam's Storefront page. This time, we see Alyx and Dog together. Dog once again shows off his amazing agility as he swings from steel beams left by the crumbling Citadel, only to get into some serious trouble as we see Alyx become emotionally distraught - This scene followed by the caption "Alyx. D0g’s best friend."[br]
[br]Clicking the banner will launch Steam and automatically download the teaser onto your "My Media" browser.[br]Happy fragging!
I thought E1 was going to be released at 12AM (midnight) PST, not 10AM PST and got all hopped up on caffeine in anticipation :(
2ND :p

anyway..after dl al the other teasers as well, I guess it will be good.I rly do hpe its good..we'll see.
THis trailer is better then the other three. Man I can't wait until schools out tomarrow! I really want to know what happens to dog! *Shakes violently in anticipation*
Very sad to see how scripted this is going to be....Scripted games can be fun, but it gets old after the first time you play it. Remember before HL2 came out, in the E3 trailer they showed 'the fantastic combine AI', which was doing flash stuff like kicking in doors and finding alternate routes, aparantly all on its own? Then the leak happened, and we all saw it was a bunch of scripted BS.
Anus.Face said:
Very sad to see how scripted this is going to be....Scripted games can be fun, but it gets old after the first time you play it. Remember before HL2 came out, in the E3 trailer they showed 'the fantastic combine AI', which was doing flash stuff like kicking in doors and finding alternate routes, aparantly all on its own? Then the leak happened, and we all saw it was a bunch of scripted BS.
...Well, since this scene is a cinematic scene that directly relates to the plot (Obviously Dog gets into a bit of a mishap), of course it's going to be scripted. This has nothing to do with AI.
Yeah but remember HL2 - Dog was going to be such a fun character - until we played him and realised everything he did was scripted, and he had no AI of his own (other than to chase objects around).
WOOT **** YES!!!!!!


Anus.Face said:
Very sad to see how scripted this is going to be....Scripted games can be fun, but it gets old after the first time you play it. Remember before HL2 came out, in the E3 trailer they showed 'the fantastic combine AI', which was doing flash stuff like kicking in doors and finding alternate routes, aparantly all on its own? Then the leak happened, and we all saw it was a bunch of scripted BS.

Not trying to be offensive or anything, but who cares ? Out of the crap that has come out so far this year this game seems to be the only thing worth looking forward to.
Dear Valve,

Thank you for the defrag thing... It's amazing.


.... But seriously guys... This defrag thing should basically get rid of any 'stutter bug' that may be remaining... I also noticed a 'color correction' option in HL2's advanced graphics options, but I didn't notice a difference w/ it on or off...

Still... The defrag system makes the game run so much smoother.
This launch teaser is great, and what's important Source has never before looked that beautiful... It's gonna be a darn good game.

ps. Wow, 9/10 on Eurogamer is a great score!
Yes, when GMT?

I want to play it when I get home... either that or it's back to Rockstar table tennis I guess...
I was trying to avoid confusing the issue with the whole BST thing :)
Cheers guys, it'll be there when I get out of this damn office then :)
Alyx's facial expression and voice acting were both incredible in that clip. Valve really have mastered their tools now.
Anus.Face said:
Very sad to see how scripted this is going to be....Scripted games can be fun, but it gets old after the first time you play it. Remember before HL2 came out, in the E3 trailer they showed 'the fantastic combine AI', which was doing flash stuff like kicking in doors and finding alternate routes, aparantly all on its own? Then the leak happened, and we all saw it was a bunch of scripted BS.

you should go and play DDR in hell with Jean Reno.
i reaaallly want to play episode one ...

Aah bliss. Tomorrow I will wake up and be able to play it (it's enabled at 6AM Oz Time).

This is by far the best of the 3. The only nit pick is that Alyx's acting (animation) seems a little forced when she says "You did do the calculations, right?", there just didn't seem to be enough concern in her voice/facial expressions. BUT, the fact that I picked this means that as animators we can finally focus on character animation (facials) instead of just body animation.


EDIT: on repeat viewings it isn't the facial/vocals it's the jut of the neck a the end of the sentance when she's looking for confirmation. Everything else = BS (Bloody Sweet :D)
I might start playing this on Saturday morning, since I started HL2 on on a Saturday morning and finished it on...a Saturday morning. Great teaser, who cares if Dog is scripted...he still is awesome in every concievable way.

Oh, and the phrase at the end was probably the best of all the teasers :)
Anyone know a mirror for the last teaser?

I can't get into Steam a the moment (have to use HTTP Tunnel.. i'll be in a decent flat soon with a proper net connection) and the gamespot downloads are all wrong (teaser #5 is actually #3 I think)
Anus.Face said:
Very sad to see how scripted this is going to be....Scripted games can be fun, but it gets old after the first time you play it. Remember before HL2 came out, in the E3 trailer they showed 'the fantastic combine AI', which was doing flash stuff like kicking in doors and finding alternate routes, aparantly all on its own? Then the leak happened, and we all saw it was a bunch of scripted BS.

So basically you downloaded the leak because you were quite happy to steal from Valve but you weren't happy because the leaked build was an unfinished unplayable version of the game ? How terribly unfortunate and vexing that must of been :dozey:
Kadayi Polokov said:
So basically you downloaded the leak because you were quite happy to steal from Valve but you weren't happy because the leaked build was an unfinished unplayable version of the game ? How terribly unfortunate and vexing that must of been :dozey:

:p :p :E :LOL: LMFAO

In my opinion scripted is better if there is still a little bit of freedom, it helps to create tighter more intense situations.
Gah I'm trying to buy it online through steam but everytime I click on a link to purchase it says 'steam is not a registered protocol'.
Wow, they sure have improved on animation! I don't mind scripted sequences, since the AI alone can not further the story. Yet.