Steam Update - Including PayPal Support

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
Restart Steam to receive this much anticipated update whereby you can now purchase games over Steam using PayPal, which should make things much easier for many customers. The full update list is below:
  • Added support for PayPal; customers can now shop on Steam and pay using a PayPal account
  • Fixed Source engine mods not launching correctly on 64-bit systems
  • Fixed case where Steam could run multiple instances simultaneously on a single machine
  • Fixed Steam store not showing game install status correctly when a large number of games were installed
I'm sure that will make a lot of people happy!
I've never actually looked into Paypal, suppose i will now though :P
You don't NEED a credit card to deposit money on a paypal account, I usually do it with a wire transfer and it works great for me.
At last! I can finally buy some things over Steam. :)
You don't NEED a credit card to deposit money on a paypal account, I usually do it with a wire transfer and it works great for me.
It was a joke, since everybody has been waiting for this, so they don't need a cc anymore.

Get it?
Anybody who boycotts PayPal didn't pay attention to what the hell they're supposed to be doing. I've used it 2-3 times with no problem.
nopaypal site said:
but Paypal charges the SAME fees to transactions with NON-credit card funds!

And thus the author of the site proves himself a moron. Shock, horror, Paypal want payment for thier service! **** me, whatever next? Will shops want you to pay more for goods than they get them for? OMFG!
And thus the author of the site proves himself a moron. Shock, horror, Paypal want payment for thier service! **** me, whatever next? Will shops want you to pay more for goods than they get them for? OMFG!
Maybe you should quote the whole paragraph:

Paypal's fees for NON-credit card funding are the same as for credit cards! This is the single biggest rippoff on their site. We understand Paypal charging a fee when you fund your account with a credit card. After all, they are being charged by Visa/Mastercard, etc. And we understand there is a lot of fraud with credit card funding. However, most of the money sent within the Paypal system no longer comes from credit card funding. However, money spent from PayPal account to PayPal account is subject to the exact same fees credit card purchases are! This money has been in the system for years and is "clean." That is, there are no fees at all to Paypal, and there is almost no fraud at all with this money, but Paypal charges the SAME fees to transactions with NON-credit card funds! Thus every transaction makes PayPal money, but it's nothing more than an entry in a computer database on their system. No money has actually moved, and there are no costs to Paypal. They are just skimming the gravy.
This, of course, is contrary to their claim that their service is free of charge. Use a credit card once and they'll charge you for every transaction, credit card or not!

But hey, kids, if you want to keep using PayPal despite the well-documented troubles archived at then be my guest. Just don't come crying to me when PayPal freezes your account and cleans out your bank account for good measure.
Exactly what I have been waiting for!!!! :D finally I can purchase through Steam.
w00t for paypal, ive used it around 5 times for my eBay stuff, Paypal is trust worthy man.