Steam Update


Aug 14, 2003
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Steam Update Released
October 28, 2003, 3:53 pm · Greg Coomer

A Steam update has just been released. It is a fixed version of last week's update, so the list of what's included is the same:
Added support for "trickle update", which will allow updates to games to be delivered over time before they are activated.
Optimizations in Steam targeted at reducing CPU and memory load on some systems.
Progress dialog always shows now during startup.
Fixed handling of cache fingerprint mismatch on reconnect
Fixed case which would cause the preloader ignoring errors to send extra messages to the Steam servers.
Fixed bug in Steam that would cause cache to be validated too often when Steam started. This would cause hard drive thrashing.
Fixed a potential lockup case and access violation case in Steam.
We've also added support for ATI bundle product keys. So it is now possible for purchasers of new ATI video cards to use their product keys for subscriptions to the Valve Premier Pack. (Half-Life 2 will be added to the subscription when it comes out.)
It's been out since yesterday; anyone that uses Steam would more than likely have updated it by now.

Thanks for the info though.
(Wrong forum though ;))
Originally posted by Chris_D
It's been out since yesterday; anyone that uses Steam would more than likely have updated it by now.

Thanks for the info though.
(Wrong forum though ;))

please read the sticky at the top of the forum, replies like "old news is so exciting" will not be tolerated.

much love Chris, you know Im messing with you ;)

wrong forum but thank you for the info, time to fire up steam.