Steam Update


Aug 6, 2003
Reaction score
We are about to release a Steam update. When it is released to our servers you'll need to restart Steam in order to continue using the system. (About ten minutes beforehand, we will send out a message through Friends alerting everyone.)

Here is a list of what's included:

Reduced the need for clients with fully populated caches to connect to a content server
Reworked some of the retry logic for content server tickets on the Steam backend
Fixed wierdness with next/prev buttons in conversion wizard
Fixed failed login potentially opening two error dialogs
Added conversion wizard for any a cache for a game is created, if there is an existing installation to convert from
Fixed bad error messages for connection issues when logging in
Enabled cancel button on conversion wizard
Optimized Friends searching with wildcards
Fixed "NumRegisteredChildern" assert
thats why steam won't connect right now.. man those boys are patching this thing like crazy
Heh, I got a little popup saying it was coming in ten minutes.
36%... and hanging.... hope it will continue soon :)

Update: 42% - very slow but updating is working....
mines up to 86% hope t finishes soon, also, wonder how big this file is...

EDIT- ohh baby, done!!! w000t!:afro: :cheers: :bounce: :cool: :cheese: