Steam update


Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Steam update:

Day of Defeat: Source and Source Engine Updates Available
October 19, 2005, 4:12 pm · Alfred Reynolds

Updates to Day of Defeat: Source and the Source Engine have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

Source Engine

cl_predict is now treated as a cheat

Disallow the '%' character in names and the '#' character when at the start of a name

Removed debug cvar snd_mixvol

Day of Defeat Source

Added defense scoring bonus. Players now get a point for blocking an area cap that is over 50%, either by killing a player required for the capture, or by entering the capture area

Fixed an issue with players not respawning on round restart

Changed to new arm hitbox code - uses hitbox groups to swap between hitbox sets with and without arms. This will prevent shots to the chest area from hitting the target player's arms

Increased Thompson and MP40 melee attack rate to match knife/spade

Fixed situation where melee attacks weren't hitting target when they should have

Fixed accuracy on semi-auto and full-auto for bar and MP44 being swapped

Semi automatic is now more accurate than fully automatic

Darkened background of scoreboard to make it easier to read

K98 iron sights no longer re-zooms after a shot

Fixed rag doll pose when player went prone with Panzerschreck

Reduced maximum number of players on a server to 32

Fixed issue with bullet penetration wasn't happening correctly with displacements

Optimization related to grenade explosions

Network optimizations for player, player resource

Restrict which shaders are allowed to be applied to player models.

Fixed sniper rifle playing zoom out animation out if the player was not on the ground when they tried to zoom in ( e.g., falling off of a small ledge )

Friendly fire is now turned off for the bonus round. Be nice to your winning teammates

Crosshair scale setting is now saved across sessions

Added log event for tick points

Added log event for changeclass

Added log event for flag caps

Added log event for game over condition

Added damage, hitbox, weapon info to player_hurt event

Fixed log events for clan restart events

Added cvar mp_logdetail ( 0 = no damage logged, 1 = enemy damage, 2 = teammate damage, 3 = both )

Made input to voice menus all client side
Sweet. Too bad I can't do the 'Jesus Bug' anymore (exploit where you don't respawn, but you have no weapons and posed like you're on a crucifix)