Steam- updating

You must have gotten Steam quite newly since i restarted my Steam just now and it didnt update for me...
Originally posted by weirdo
whats this about? My steam is updating

i think the thing with steam is that if its running it updates itself in the background if its not it gives you that dialog.......... but aidunno.

I dont see any changes tho anyways
Nah, i think just the games update while in steam. Maybe not even the games.
All I know is when they released the update the other night, Friends said 5 mins til update release. I waited longer than 10 mins for a update to showup in monitor but then I exit/opened steam and then it updated.
But there are more updates this week. Check for details.
yeah they just updated cs a few hours ago. it does it automatically without telling you unless it's actually updating the steam program itself. :p go figure.
Mine updated, I was having not many problems with steam before it updated, but now it is totally unplayable... can't even join a server ffs. Thanks again steam.