Steam using BitTorrent technology?


May 24, 2004
Reaction score
Today, i have been downloading Condition Zero's Deleted Scenes, now if you have this, you'd know it weighs in at quite a meaty size.

I've noticed that when i enable my BT client to upload (im keeping the BT network going when i find worthwhile downloads, such as HL2 binks :) ), that the download through steam is slow, infact the download went from near full speed 768kb/s before i started BT to a mere 120kb/s now.

I heard that Valve employed the creater of BT into the team to help with Steam, so have they restricted download rates to upload rate without telling us?

If anyone knows, well, it'd just be nice to know :naughty:
No, It's the content servers that you are downloading off are getting hammerd.
well valve would love to go p2p with steam it would take a ton of pressure off the servers and it prolly has some built in p2p support like bittorent etc
TCP transfers use both upload and download bandwidth, because every TCP packet is acknowledged so that the server at the other end knows you got the data. If your upload is being used to send data, this reduces the bandwidth avaliable to send acknowledgements, so the speed of the download decreases.
Epsi said:
TCP transfers use both upload and download bandwidth, because every TCP packet is acknowledged so that the server at the other end knows you got the data. If your upload is being used to send data, this reduces the bandwidth avaliable to send acknowledgements, so the speed of the download decreases.

someone who knows what they are talking about, thankyou sir. :smoking: