Steam Won't Remember Favorite Servers



This is really starting to piss me off. Every time I add a server to my favorites, the next time I start up CS:S it isn't there, so I have had to resort to saving my server IP's in a text file. Does anybody have any idea why it won't remember my favorite servers? :flame:
i know huh, its damn annoying to look for my old favorites all over again =(.
I've always had this problem, now I just join random servers every time I play. I tried asking for help on these forums to avail.
cmon, some veteran out there must know SOMETHING about this...thing O_O;
Try the following, but this will delete your current servers in your favourites (if they're not already gone!) so log the IPs or something in a text file:

Completely exit from Steam, then delete the following file:

C:\Program Files\Steam\config\serverbrowser.vdf



Or whever the serverbrowser.vdf file is located.

If this comes to no avail, completely exit Steam, then re-delete both this file and clientregistry.blob

More information here.