Steam Workshop Lets Item Creators Compensate Toolmakers, Communities and Mentors


Apr 16, 2013
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An update to the Steam Workshop earlier today has allowed for new revenue sharing options for contributors. Item creators in Team Fortress 2 and Dota 2 workshops can now allocate a percentage of revenues from in-game sales to the toolmakers who aided in the items' creation. This service is in recognition of the success of the Steam Workshop, producing over $10 million in royalties paid to item creators since the launch in October 2011.

Valve employee Alden Kroll justifies this move stating:
We've heard from a number of item creators that are looking for a more formal way of recognising and rewarding the toolmakers and service providers that have helped them. Now they can!

When you now submit an item to the workshop from one of these games, you can select from a list of companies, organisations or individuals to receive a portion of revenue from that particular item's sales. The good thing for creators is that the contribution will be made from a set percentage, redirected from Valve to the toolmakers and NOT taken from the item creator's royalty.


A basic list of organisations has been compiled on the Team Fortress 2 and the Dota 2 Workshop pages, but Valve are encouraging Workshop users to add to this list where appropriate.


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The good thing for creators is that the contribution will be made from a set percentage, redirected from Valve to the toolmakers and NOT taken from the item creator's royalty.

That is pretty damn cool.
Nick, James, feel free to redirect the announcer pack money for all the inspiration I've given you.
Nick, James, feel free to redirect the announcer pack money for all the inspiration I've given you.

Um, I agree. Who do you think does most of the work around here. Me and ríomhaire, thats who. :rolleyes: :indy: