Steamwork Developers May Now Independently Discount Games


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
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A new announcement made to the private Steamworks Development Steam community group late last night has revealed that developers may now independently discount their games without input from Valve.

The updated Steamworks tools now provides third party game developers with the ability to configure their own discounts for their games within custom sale periods, a system which also allows developers to opt-into upcoming week-long sales without needing to receive an official confirmation from Valve. For the time being, all sales are limited to a two-week maximum duration and can be planned up to two months in advance.

While this probably isn't all that exciting news for the average Steam user, it does provide developers with additional tools to help further streamline the publishing process on Steam, something which is likely linked to Valve's rather optimistic plans for a truly autonomous digital distribution platform.

If you're a Steamworks Developer, you may want to head on over to the official group announcement to find out more. For everyone else who can't access the private Steam group, we suggest checking out the image below!

Source: The Kins on Facepunch


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