Stern's Idiot of the Day: Drunk Driver edition


May 5, 2004
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Man arrested after allegedly driving drunk, taunting authorities

Police have identified a man accused of driving drunk down city streets, while calling 911 several times - daring officers to find him.

The 911 tapes reveal that, at one point, the driver said, "I'm drunk and hammered and giving you guys clues, and you still haven't found me."

When asked his name, the voice said "I don't know. I'm too hammered right now, man."

Police did catch up with the driver after a short pursuit, and used a Taser to subdue him.

Craig now faces charges of drunken driving, eluding police and resisting arrest

jeez what an idiot
if you are going to comit a crime,you must keep the police away,not the other way
remenber kids
"I'm screwing your wife, copper! Guess where I am!!!"
"I'm burning down the police station, guess were I am, piggies!!! ...oh wait"
Sir, your on a pay phone, we can see you
"Hey cops, I'm DINING IN HELL!

Guess where I am?"

Reminds me of the new Orange ad's in cinemas over here :D
I like how they're charging him with 'eluding police' just to rub it in.