Stern's "WTF?" thread of the day: find the WTF part of the story

No nose, you say?? But how does he smell?

"Bloody Awful!"

hahah, I just thought of how someone out there can actually say "I shot some guy's nose off"

Was it a shotgun? His mouth is missing too.
Maybe his real nose was used on a snowman. :O

Looks like a clown with a ridiculously undersized red nose.

Looks like a clown with a ridiculously undersized red nose.


****ing A... I was thinking just that, and I was gonna edit the picture to incorporate a red nose and clown makeup.

Not going to now, on part because I suck at artwork and on part that you already mentioned the clown aspect.

I'm sorry but this was the first thing that sprung to mind upon gazing at this picture.
Creepy picture. At first i thought the first pic was supposed to be him, i was like "wth hes got a nose". Then i scrolled down and saw that pic "oooohh..."

Also, lmao at pulses pic.
Looks like he has one big brown eye right in the center of his face. I should be ashamed, I shouldnt be laughing but damn..his face reminds me of goatse.
Hahahahahah. Oh god that would be freaky if he goatse'd his nose. We'd see his skull, and inside of his head.
haha krynn I think were the only 2 who found that funny.
Anyways stern the news you report back to us is always disturbing and strange. Makes me lose all faith in the essential decency of man, if there ever was any. Then again I called him goatse face so who am i to judge..
I did too..
Man this thread made my day/night.
Looks like a fiery red anus photoshopped onto a guys face.
Anyways stern the news you report back to us is always disturbing and strange.

happy stories about kittens and flowers tend to be rather boring ..although that can be fixed easily enough if you add fire or an incendiary device such as a molotov cocktail
lol @ stern. Were still waiting for your f*cked up story for today, when will you bless us with your presence?
Lol, they never would have bothered to include the photos if there hadn't been a guy without a nose.
I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't a lunatic
poor ol no-nose wouldn't do so well in prison.
Let's hope that man doesn't go to jail. Because if he does, his fellow inmates will probably want to try out his nose.

I've been watching Oz like a madman for the past few days so that struck me as very funny for some reason.