Stern's WTF thread of the day


May 5, 2004
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smoking gun said:
When Nicholas Grunke last week spotted a newspaper photo of Laura Tennessen, the Wisconsin man apparently became so smitten that he plotted a rendezvous with the 20-year-old woman. But the photo Grunke saw accompanied an August 27 obituary of Tennessen, who died in a motorcycle accident. Undeterred, Grunke allegedly plotted with his twin brother Alex and a friend, 20-year-old Dustin Radke, to rob Tennessen's grave so that he could have sex with her corpse. Details of the trio's degenerate scheme are contained in a criminal complaint filed yesterday in Grant County Circuit Court. A copy of the document can be found here. In a police interview, Radke said that he and the Grunke brothers stopped at a Wal-Mart to buy condoms on their way to the cemetery. ........


warning: included in the link is the police report aint pretty
At least he bought condoms. Safe sex or no sex at all. Wouldn't want post-mortum pregnancy now would we?
really? I thought it was called SICK MOFO SYNDROME
In a police interview, Radke said that he and the Grunke brothers stopped at a Wal-Mart to buy condoms on their way to the cemetery

ROFL, that's the best part. Those are some sick bastards.
"If they don't say no, then technically it's not rape, right?"

-Angry Lawyer

Sorry, but that's so sick it could be black comedy.
why the **** would you bother with condoms if youre going to do something like that...
so what the article saying, he had sex with a dead body ?
Funny thing is, the Bush administration will probably use this story as an excuse to warn of the evils of contraception.

Does sex with the dead count as abstinence?
Just because they are dead doesn't mean they don't have cooties.
There's more like 6-7 of Stern's WTF threads a day, TBH.
Its even more disturbing that he was going to have sex with her corpse after a MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT.

People who die on a motocycle have their bodies ripped to shreds and they are very discusting looking. Just google motorcycle accident if you wanna see what I mean.

EDIT: OH GOD, one of my co-workers just told me to do a Yahoo image search for "Truck vs motorcycle"...

Only do it if you have a strong heart. Its VERY VERY nausiating(sp?).
I've got to stop reading these forums while I eat.

Lol, I just cooked a big ole slab of cow. I was eating it as I came to these forums, and when I read this thread...

it tasted even better.
try working for a medical company and having to watch a 30 minute video on Transvaginal Sacrospinous Colpopexy surgery (had to watch it for editing purposes)

me: "ummm what am I looking at that fungus?
co-worker: "I think that's the vaginal wall"

me/coworker: "ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"
Lol, I just cooked a big ole slab of cow. I was eating it as I came to these forums, and when I read this thread...

it tasted even better.

Yeah, like I was saying this place is way to softcore. I'll stick to Ogrish while I eat from now on.
Necrophilia - "Crack open a cold one"
I love you.

I blame the US.
The US blames you, mother****er.

EDIT: OH GOD, one of my co-workers just told me to do a Yahoo image search for "Truck vs motorcycle"...

Only do it if you have a strong heart. Its VERY VERY nausiating(sp?).

Wait, nevermind, didn't realize I had safe search on... blech. All ripped open and everything :/