Steven Seagal is... the Cock Puncher

Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score

Seagal has eclipsed Chuck Norris. We're not worthy.
Does this mean he's fighting some kind of giant rooster? Or is he playing a guy who sacks people?

Or is it both?
Maybe he plays Peter Griffin (the heroic warrior who defied the english to free england from the english).
Thats gotta be the best character name ever. Either that or they just put his everyday title down because they just wanted him to be himself. :LOL:
HOLY CRAP Under Siege 3! My dreams have come true. The pun makes it especially good.
I want to see "The Untitled Onion Movie"!!!!!


Cock Puncher!!!
lol, he's got a very tiny role, he is titled very far down. Cock puncher.
He's gotten so drunken fat and old. He should realy stop making movies by now.
Above the Law is one of my favorite movies.

I actually like Steven Seagal. He's amusing to watch.
I'm more interested in:

Michael R. Dowell .... The Penis Business Man
Rizzo89 said:
lol, he's got a very tiny role, he is titled very far down. Cock puncher.
He's gotten so drunken fat and old. He should realy stop making movies by now.
I think he signed with warners to do 11 more movies or so
Glo-Boy said:
Steven Seagal is the MAN. He would SMASH chuck norris.

HELL YEAH. As Chuck Norris was performing his roundhouse kick, Steven would sidestep and snap his neck.

All the mad tv parodies of Steven are hilarious!
Dog-- said:
I want to see "The Untitled Onion Movie"!!!!!


Cock Puncher!!!

Directed by Tom Kuntz. Sheesh.

And Segal is the worst actor in the history of acting. He smells like a dead skunk in a steaming pile of shit and vomit.
the_wolf27 said:
Directed by Tom Kuntz. Sheesh.

And Segal is the worst actor in the history of acting. He smells like a dead skunk in a steaming pile of shit and vomit.

Go kill yourself.