Steven Speilberg Wii game - Boom Blox

First thing I would do is try to create some crazy rude goldberg machine.

Looks pretty good.
Psst..***be goldberg. ;)

Unless you meant a machine that goes through an elaborate series of motions to ultimately insult you.
This should be pretty fun (I hope), but I have higher hopes for his other project....
I, sadly, read the title as "Boom Plox"

Shoot me now! :(
Once I got over the "ZOMG WTF" moment where I realised that Steven Spielberg was not making CE3 for the Wii whereby we could mould our own mash mountains, I actually ended up LOVING the look of this game. It has a bit of Eledees/Elebits, a bit of Garry's Mod and a bit of MySims; 3 games I love to pieces.

Looking forward to it. But the Wii does need more epic games like Mass Effect (a game that has just held my attention for three weeks and has left me wanting more) and even LoZ: TP if it wants to keep me playing it more often than occasionally when friends come over.
Psst..***be goldberg. ;)

Unless you meant a machine that goes through an elaborate series of motions to ultimately insult you.

I kept re-reading your post and mine to find out what the hell you were talking about until I found my mistake D: God damnit.
These things are stupid if there's no structural integrity within the boxes.

But... the blox go boom! :o

Looks pretty fun I guess, for a rental maybe.
Just judging by the video it looks like a cutesified (yes I made that up) garry's mod with less features. I'll admit I could be way off tho.
Eh, that looks like it will be fun for 20 minutes, then boring as hell afterwards.
When I read "Steven Spielberg game" I was expecting something more epic or something on a larger scale than some children's (and adult's, if you insist but I kinda doubt it) puzzle game.
I honestly don't see how Steven Speilberg of all people being attached to this game will help it at all. If it was something like a war game, sure, but... when you think Steven Speilberg, you don't think cube-shaped chickens exploding.