STFU Bitch


Nov 24, 2004
Reaction score
OK so she keeps ordering ME to get more people to the other side in the train part. Who is she? A commander? Since when? I just wanted to slap her silly ass and procreate. :frown:

That's not the only part that's frustrating. She follows me all the time! I bump into her and she keeps blocking me from going where and when I want to go, and I cant even tell her to stay somewhere and wait or anything. The hallways are usually too narrow for both of us. It's nice that she follows me around sometimes, but allways? Go clean the house while I kill some zombies, bitch!

Oh and please please please dont make me replay one map 10 times! Ok?! It's just not fun.

I liked the game and how they still added new things in the game (like friendly rollermines, zombines, things falling on the elevator, alyx saying funny stuff etc), but problems like i mentioned must be avoided in the future. I just dont want to be blocked all the time and ordered around like I was her butler. :hmph:
Funnily enough, I had very few, if any problems with Alyx impeding me in any way.
m00b said:
I just wanted to slap her silly ass and procreate. :frown:

lol. This is why I think nudity/sex game ratings are backwards. They should be rated Teen instead of Mature. So people who aren't teens anymore and just want to play a game will know to stick the the "mature" rating to avoid things like this. ha
Everything you mentioned NEVER happened to me. Game was perfect stafoo!
I think the threadstarter is frustrated that alyx kept moving away because he was trying to get closer to her and then kiss the screen. The final nail in the coffin was when she gave him a sturn look as he repeatedly bashed the use key to try and get her to take her clothes off :LOL:
No! Not my Alyx! You treat her so poorly! And plus, you'd never hear Gordon say anything like that because he never talks. Of course, if it is true in what Valve implies, then yes, I guess Gordon can talk. If only to say what you the player would have him say.

As it is, She’s never given me a stern look. But then I'm not bugging her by clicking the 'use' button to take her clothing off neither. If anything she’s done where cute things, like blushing or smiling at me when I’ve glanced at her.
No I was serious. I got frustrated. She got in my way and hung around too long. It's like she was a needy chick. And NO. I didnt try to "USE" her. I like white girls not some mixtures of rases or something like that, and only because I'm white myself. So I'd sleep with her but wouldnt get serious with her. I'd rather have one of those rebel chicks.
I have to agree though. In the hallways of the hospital i died about 5 times from grenades as she was in a doorway i was running backward to try and get into. A tad annoying to say the least.
ĐynastҰ said:
I have to agree though. In the hallways of the hospital i died about 5 times from grenades as she was in a doorway i was running backward to try and get into. A tad annoying to say the least.
Happened to me once too. But if you think quickly you can wip out the grav gun.
With gordon never talking for years and years now. I bet the last Half Life game ending will have gordon yelling at a dumb npc and scream while shooting the npc dead, because you have to have be good if you can shutup and not talk for years as long as he has. :cheese:
This thread is awesome in that bad, horrible sort of way. I never had a problem with Alyx. Sure, once or twice she stood in the way I was going, but only because I was backtracking, not because she ran forward. She's the smartest "NPC" I've ever had the pleasure to fight alongside with in a game, and truthfully, I enjoyed the experience very much.

Also Moob, you make humanity sad. D=
Look, she's charming and funny but is just not my type. I like women that are like me, white skin - dark hair. Did anyone play Sin-Emergence? Now, she's hot! :borg:

Anyways, she always moved outta da way when i was going to her, maybe i just pressed use whenever i saw her, but Eh.
m00b said:
Look, she's charming and funny but is just not my type. I like men that are like me, white skin - dark hair.

Yes. He’ll consume your soul.

Then you. Because he's a big man homer....

..A Big Man...
m00b said:
Look, she's charming and funny but is just not my type. I like women that are like me, white skin - dark hair. Did anyone play Sin-Emergence? Now, she's hot! :borg:

Elexis Sinclaire you mean? Heh, Alyx was alright IMO. She didn't order me around plus she saved my butt a lot of times. She'll only get in the way when I'm backtracking but even then she'll move out of my way.
Meh, I never felt that conected with Alyx.
I felt connected, sort of, but I they needed to wind her into the final battle somehow. It wasn't a case of me and Alyx have achieved something, it was a case of yeah, Freeman brought down the Strider.

Alyx needed to be more involved.
she should have been riding the strider like a mechanical bull
Samon said:
I felt connected, sort of, but I they needed to wind her into the final battle somehow. It wasn't a case of me and Alyx have achieved something, it was a case of yeah, Freeman brought down the Strider.

Alyx needed to be more involved.
True dat.
I haven't got my copy of HL2: Episode one but I saw my friend playing it. And yeah, my friend says the same thing that Alyx keeps blocking his way during the game.

Wanna play fun source engine games? Run away from the HL2 universe and jump into the world of HL2 Mods!!!
I'm not sure how you could be blocked by alyx
walk in her direction and she moves
I'm glad they changed her from what she was listening to the commentary. I couldn't stand a bossy companion who led me around.
Aye, the commentary illuminates a lot of things and is also interesting. Thank God for playtesting, or Alyx could have turned out horribly.