Stop Dat' Train!

I thought ?bered people just got run over? atleast I'm pretty sure I've seen and experienced that.
if it didn't have the damn music and could hear the people talking, we'd probably know for sure how it happened.

it's seems like they took turns ubering a disquised soy, whiuch could be healed by anyone, while the spy also seemed to have a dispencer behind him to stop him from moving when the train came. Also, i noticed that when the engie 'spoded his dispencer, The spy died. So it must have been because the spy couldn't be pushed back by the train.
Old vid is old.
its hard to c wats hapenning when the guy is standing behind everything
Online videos where over a fifth of the video is credits and introduction automatically lose two points. I didn't think that'd work though... I've had ubered patients get hit by the train and die. Is it because he was pinned to the dispenser?
The despencer was holding him there, then when their ubers run out him and the despencer die almost at the same time.
nah, I think the engie destroyed his dispencer, allowing the train to move through the spy.