Stop Global Warming - Cancel Daylight Savings!!!


Apr 17, 2004
Reaction score
That extra hour is really killing us.

I kinda like the warm weather ... so Global Warming FTW !

nothing wrong with having venus conditions on earth..except that whole 'hot enough to melt metal' thing.
indeed, if all metal was melted, it would be incredibly to hard to stay alive on this planet because we'd have no cars, no computers, no television. basically everything useful would melt.
melted computers .... AWESOME ! :naughty:

Well I'm convinced. Where can I subscribe to that guy's newsletter?
Yeah, the gov should really tell the sun that we don't want that extra hour of hot afternoon sun.
I was going to write to the government with the idea of the Department Of Clement Weather, where it was never allowed to rain on weekends, and temperature was capped at 37 degrees or something during summer. Was going to be totally smart arsed tongue in cheek bullshit just to see what kind of response I got, this guy seems to be serious though.
This is one of those things that is so stupid it must be a joke/parady.

(I hope)
Where is that facepalm collage I have been keeping for occasions like this?
Err... Daylight Savings was introduced to reduce energy consumption during the 70s oil crisis, so I don't follow his logic.
Err... Daylight Savings was introduced to reduce energy consumption during the 70s oil crisis, so I follow his logic.
I don't follow yours, for starters his argument has nothing to do with energy consumption
I believe this one hour extra sun is slowly evaporating all the moisture out of everything.
And if daylight saving really does save energy why would he want to "get rid of daylight savings."
I don't follow yours, for starters his argument has nothing to do with energy consumption

And if daylight saving really does save energy why would he want to "get rid of daylight savings."
I didn't read through the text before posting, but I thought it was was a proposition to remove daylight saving to halt global warming. (I've seen those arguments elsewhere.)

My mistake.