- What a Joke


Feb 7, 2004
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I really really don't like it when people take it upon themselves to do things like this. Jack Thompson is something that makes me angry, not Grand Theft Auto or the like.
:D That site is sooooo funny its unbelievable. Halo's a sniper game? :rolleyes: And he blames Columbine on a video game released half a decade earlier.

Dateline NBC reported Friday, December 13, 2002, that the Beltway Sniper, John Lee Malvo, was compelled by John Muhammad to train on the sniper video game, Halo, switched to sniper-mode or God-mode, to suppress his inhibition to kill."

Ok I don't even understand what that's supposed to mean :/ And Halo doesn't have a God-mode or Sniper mode.
In April 1999, eight days before Columbine, Jack Thompson appeared on national television to identify the role that shooter video games, specifically Doom, would play in future school shootings. A week later in Littleton, Colorado, Klebold and Harris, who obsessively trained on Doom, killed thirteen.

LMFAO Train on Doom...I wish I could train on a game like that. Let me find my Page Up key in real life so I can aim up...retards..
(From the site) hold accountable the entertainment industry for the harm it does to our children.

We are talking about games like manhunt here yes? Games that are rated as adult only? A rating that makes you the criminal if you allow your child to play it knowingly?

If you don't know your child is playing it, why the hell not? Is this the american dream? Screw up your child by not caring, then run round blaming everyone else?

Tell me this, if your child was run over by a car, who do you blame, the driver or the manufacturor?

This guy is an idiot.
he might have some outrageous comparisons ..but at the end of the day there are really stupid people out there that do extremely stupid things and he has to put food on the table i dont see anything wrong with a little exageration to convey his services.
Probably the worst anti-game activist today, I've seen people with much more convincing points. Using doom for training? Have they even played a game? Ever? Most people like that actually take their time to censor videogames play them first.

In 1992, the American Civil Liberties Union named Jack Thompson one of its ten "Censors of the Year" for daring to suggest that Time Warner rapper Ice-T's "Cop Killer" should be pulled from store shelves worldwide. That award is a badge of honor Thompson wears proudly, not only because Time Warner did what he requested but because Thompson was ten years ahead of the national curve in predicting the entertainment-inspired copycat violence we are seeing from a generation raised on violence that Hollywood says is "cool."

Hurray for fascists.
Brain scans report that adolescent brains are damaged by a steady stream of violent images.

So, according to this guy, games cause violence.

Where the hell was he during the 2,000 and more years of violence and death long before the invention of such evils as doom and the atari? What's he talking about, he lives in a country where the main religion's god's son gets stuck to a large wooden cross with nails through his hands. You'd think that such imagery would screw your children's mind, but noo, it's the videogames.

Intrestingly enough, he hasn't seemed to objected to Playboy: The Mansion yet, or GTA:SA, or sex in gaming in general. I wonder what his reaction would be if he got hold of some H-Games from Japan...
This guy is so utterly wrong about so much, I felt compled to write to him and correct/debate his page. Anyone got any suggestions/additions?

I don't want to put "Your a **** faced **** master" or whatever,eitehr, thats not constructive.


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Sent him this email:

"...Manhunt. This game allows you to train yourself to kill people by placing plastic bags over their heads while you watch them struggle while suffocating."

I play Manhunt, so I am a proffesionally trained bag-over-head putter.
I play Mario, so I am a proffesionally trained mushroom stomper.
I play DonkeyKong, so I am a proffesionally trained barrelsmasher.
I play The Sims, so I am a proffesionally trained omnipotent god.

By your logic, every argument above is a perfectly reasonable one. There's a detail you seem to have forgotten though, clicking a button isn't the same thing as going up to someone, having the cold-blood and the motivation to kill them, having enough strenght and bulk to defend yourself when they fight back (which, by the way, is earned by working out, not playing games), and finally getting the perfect occasion to perform the kill. Another funfact: Manhunt has a strict Mature rating in every nation it is sold.

"The heads of six major health care organizations, including the American Medical, Pediatric, and Psychiatric Associations have all testified before Congress in June 2000 that violent entertainment contributes to teen violence. Video games are literally "murder simulators" teaching our kids how to kill."

I would love to teach you how to formulate an argument, too bad I don't have the time right now. In short though, You have two or more non-circumstantial premises, and from those you pull a conclusion. What you just did is have one subjective premise, and you pulled a conclusion completely unrelated to it. The research, as I'm aware, says that violence affect kid's brain by desensetizing them to violence, as a result, making it psychologically easier for them to kill. Solution? Don't buy kids violent games when their brains are still soft. Again, playing "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" does not make me a trained wall-runner.

" In this game you have sex with a prostitute and then kill her grotesquely to get your money back and win the game faster."

I've never played the game, but my colleague has showed it to me, and taking the time to find a prostitute, take her in a dark alley, wait for the crappy animations to finish, then bother to kill her to get your 5 dollars back is a HUGE waste of time compared to doing the regular missions which involve killing other criminals. You do not "have" to have sex with a prostitute in the game. As a matter of fact, the game doesn't even explain how to do it. If a kid has the mentality to figure out he has to go up to one, honk his horn, then take her in a quiet spot, he probably isn't being taught anything new.

I beg you to inform yourselves.

"A week later in Littleton, Colorado, Klebold and Harris, who obsessively trained on Doom, killed thirteen."

For your information, at the time of the murder, doom was almost ten years old. I'm sure your narrow knowledge base does not extend to knowing no one plays games older than 5 years old, needless to say 10.

I have also gone through the trouble of finding you a demo of Doom so you can explain to me how pressing the arrow keys teaches a kid trigger-pressure, countering wind and gravity, aiming down sights, finding a gun, cleaning the gun, finding amunition and finding motive:

"to train on the sniper video game, Halo, switched to sniper-mode or God-mode, to suppress his inhibition to kill."

First, the message I get from this is that he was encouraged to busy himself killing virtual robots rather than real people. Second, Halo is not a "sniper video game," and you obviously have no idea what god-mode is (there is no such thing as sniper-mode by the way)

"In 1992, the American Civil Liberties Union named Jack Thompson one of its ten "Censors of the Year" ... That award is a badge of honor Thompson wears proudly."


"When the next Columbine happens and the perpetrators are proven to be copycatters of adult-rated violent entertainment..."

Hold on, proven? You mean you have anything more than one piece of broken, fallible circumstantial evidence that the columbine kids played Doom at some point in their life like about a million other gamers, so they were pushed to murder a bunch of kids? Please inform me. By the way, the next columbine HAS happened, and the kid was not a gamer.

"...will contract freedom for all Americans. Safety will trump freedom."

TheSomeone, That was well written, I hope he responds. If so, post it here!
Responsible and informed gamers need to help clear up the FUD put around by ignorant sensationalists such as these.
I've had a response from him. He said I needed to remove my head from my rectum. I again replied, telling him that his response clearly indicated he couldn't counter my argument.
Lol, Why is there a link to rockstar games on his site?

I have a slight feeling (without googling the guys name or anything.) that Rockstar Games might've made this site up...
Just to piss us off and as a joke.
I'm probably wrong though.
Samon said:
I've had a response from him. He said I needed to remove my head from my rectum. I again replied, telling him that his response clearly indicated he couldn't counter my argument.
Are you serious?
In April 1999, eight days before Columbine, Jack Thompson appeared on national television to identify the role that shooter video games, specifically Doom, would play in future school shootings. A week later in Littleton, Colorado, Klebold and Harris, who obsessively trained on Doom, killed thirteen.
Couldn't that possibly mean it was Jack Thompson that put the idea into his head? :eek:
Actually, I don't condone what I just said in my last post at all (now deleted). Please don't do that. It's a bit over the top. At the end of the day, we should be trying to show people like Jack that we're normal individuals, and not immature kids that like to send people disgusting stuff by e-mail.
That retard... Jack Thompson said:
GTA [Grand Theft Auto series] has sold 30 million units, with San Andreas expected to hit 20 million on its own. It's the #1 seller in the world right now. That fact alone does not square with ISA and ESRB's dodge that "the majority of games are not violent or M-rated." What matters is how many units delivered are violent, and to whom they are being delivered.
What he said there just completely countered his central argument against violent video games... and he didn't even realize it (I don't think the interviewer did either).

His whole argument has been that it is the industry only pumping out violent game after violent game that's making the people violent... and that almost all of the games are violent. Now, when the ISA and ESRB prove his original statement wrong he tries to switch his statement around. What he doesn't realize is that his altered stance runs contradictory to his theory of violent games -> violent society. Did you notice how he accidentally switched from blaming the supply (developers) to blaming the demand (customers) in his new statement? That's right, his new theory actually suggests that it is a violent society demanding violent games (by purchasing them disproportionately often) that is pushing the game developers to make more violent games... not the other way around, as he originally argued.

How does free speech factor in?

There is no right of children to buy adult entertainment. None.
*BUZZER* Oooh, sorry... wrong answer. He never said anything about the rights of children to buy adult games, Jack. Stick to the subject. He was talking about the right of the developers to make mature games... for adults.

Is the self-imposed rating system for video games enough? Is the ESRB working? What is the relevance of a rating system for video games if the powers that be will black-list certain games because of their graphic content?

No, of course it's not working. Senator Lieberman and Dr. Walsh just had their latest "Video Game Report Card" news conference. Underage kids can buy the most violent games half the time. I just successfully sued Best Buy and compelled them to institute a new nationwide policy. They will now ID anyone appearing to be 21 or younger to make sure no one under 17 buys M-rated games. This is a huge development. You really need to report that. It is an industry first.
Jack, do you have ADHD? Focus, Jack... focus. The question was whether or not the ratings themselves work... not whether or not the retailers would go against them. Anyway, what you described is the retailer's fault... not the ESRB. You can't blame the cigarrette or alcohol manufacturers for minors illegally using their products.

I'll use beer as an example. First, the beer is manufactured and packaged. Are you still with me? Then, it is shipped out to stores. Once it is in the store it is no longer the responsibility of the manufacturer to make sure minors don't acquire it. It is now the store's responsibility to make sure they don't sell it to minors. Next, if the store does its job, an adult buys the beer. Once the adult has possession of the beer it is no longer the store's responsibility to make sure minors don't acquire it. It is now the adult's responsibility to not let the minors drink. That's the law.

When we were on 60 Minutes the Sunday after Columbine (we predicted Columbine on NBC's Today eight days before it happened) with the parents in Paducah, Ed Bradley asked Joe James "Isn't this a parent's responsibility?" Joe said "Ed, I'm trying to figure out what I did wrong. I had my daughter in school and in a pre-school prayer meeting where she was shot and killed. If I hadn't raised her right, she'd be alive today."
How is that even remotely relevant? How could it have been the victim's fault? Wouldn't you think the shooter would be the more obvious choice? Whoever asked that question is even more retarded than you are, Jack.

Kids took guns to school for 200 years in this country without turning them on one another.
WHAT THE ****? Isn't that yet another sign of a violent society? How was that statement supposed to help your cause, Jack? You don't care if children have easy access to guns... but video game developers are the bad guys? I'm confused.

The selfish, childish video game industry accepts no harness.
In 1994, the video game industry took the initiative to help parents keep their young children from playing inappropriate games by founding the ESRB. Unlike most industries, they were willing to put their own "harness" on rather than wait for the government to step in and force all games to be censored. They devised a system that would allow the developers to still make games for adults while having an independent group judge the content of every game to help the parents in deciding which games their children should be allowed to play. The ESRB was such a success that the U.S. Federal Trade Commission declared it a "Safe Harbor" under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. Safe Harbor status shields the ESRB members from potential sanctions and fines.

There are only two groups to blame: irresponsible parents and irresponsible retailers. It's that simple.
TheSomeone and OCybrManO are aboslutely, positively right. If Jack replies to your email, Someone. PM me before posting it, because I am really, really eager to see the result.
hehe hit him where it hurts there, his web page skillz!

I'm hoping for some replies soon to those emails, his arguments made my lungs hurt.
My e-mail to Jack Thompson:

Mr Thompson,
I'm 19 years old and I work in IT technical support and currently studying towards a number of IT certifications including CompTIA A+, Network+ and a number of Microsoft Certified Professional exams. In my spare time I go out with friends and I help run a website called ( which is the world's biggest and busiest Half-Life 2 fan-site; Half-Life 2 being the sequel to the popular first person shooter game - Half-Life.

A link to your site was recently posted on the forums. Naturally a large percentage of the members of that forum are avid gamers, like myself, and it upsets us as a community when we see sites like that seem to stereotype all gamers as brain dead, violent maniacs. You might see from the description of myself above that I'm not a maniac, in fact I'm a young, career-minded, sociable individual. Yes, I also read books. In fact, most of the studying I mentioned above is being self-taught.

I hate to say it, but I believe you're getting confused somewhere a long the line. Because you see, guns don't kill people. People kill people. And video games don't kill people. People kill people. What I mean by this, is that video games in themselves are entertaining and harmless, but it is the individual that may play them that is the murderer. Who's to say that without video games, the people who have performed horrific crimes wouldn't have done them anyway. Who's to say that they didn't pick up a sniper rifle and start killing because of the sniper scenes in Saving Private Ryan. Who's to say they didn't massacre their school because they were a mentally disturbed individual anyway and with or without video games they still would have become a murderer.

The point I'm trying to make is that there's millions of gamers in the world and mostly they're balanced, law-abiding individuals. I personally have a lot to thank for video games. If it wasn't for video games, I'd have never got into an IT career which I love, and I'd never have had such a great time helping to run I don't suppose this e-mail will change your views whatsoever, but at least I feel better now in the hope that you can see from this e-mail we're not all maniacs waiting to murder somebody, we're just people with a hobby for playing computer games.

Thank you for listening.

His reply:

couldn't care less.

I think we should now just realise that he's just one closed-minded, petty and immature individual and leave it at that.
Danimal said:
TheSomeone and OCybrManO are aboslutely, positively right. If Jack replies to your email, Someone. PM me before posting it, because I am really, really eager to see the result.

He has yet to answer... :frown:
I got a recent reply from him:

if he were in the grave, he wouldn't be able to read. go bother someone
else with your masturbatory self-absorption

That his reply to:

Originally posted by Samon
If your going to reply in a Shakespearean manner, then please, do it
properly - poor Shakespeare would be curling in his grave if he read
what you had written. You sound a whole lot more than Jar Jar binks
than Shakespeare, which for the record is not a good thing.
Is he like 12 years old? All his replies are just incredibly immature for someone of 'his age'.

To be honest, I think the only reason he is trying to censor these thigns is because he used to like Doom, but couldn't get past the first monster without wetting himself.
oh dear me this is funny, i think the guys out targetting gullable parents to try squeeze some cash out of them. He's gotta stick to his guns....OMG GUNS IM GONNA GET LOADS AND GO OUT AND....maybe he is right, i've been influenced by worms 3d

*equips explodable sheep* friend, who has sent him an email before has just this minute gotten this:

Dear Ms. Klobuchar and Mr. Hatch:

Please be further advised that Best Buy, at its website, is making it possible for any child of any age to buy all versions of the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, despite its “M” for mature rating.

There is no age verification function whatsoever being utilized by Best Buy at its website, which failure violates the spirit, and possibly the letter, of a formal agreement entered into between Best Buy and the undersigned in December 2004.

Our written agreement aside, there is no doubt in my mind that the sale of GTA: San Andreas by Best Buy to minors, via its website which has no safeguards of any kind against such sales, even without the “Hot Coffee” mod material, would be found by any jury in Minnesota to be a criminal act by Best Buy. This game, even without the access provided by the mod, depicts sex with prostitutes who are then killed after the intercourse occurs, as Senator Clinton and others have pointed out.

Please indict the corporate officers at Best Buy who are knowingly distributing this sexual material to children right this minute.

Regards, Jack Thompson

I think he has sent it to the wrong address....
Hectic Glenn said:
oh dear me this is funny, i think the guys out targetting gullable parents to try squeeze some cash out of them. He's gotta stick to his guns....OMG GUNS IM GONNA GET LOADS AND GO OUT AND....maybe he is right, i've been influenced by worms 3d

*equips explodable sheep*
I never learned how to use the explodable sheep, it kept blowing up in my face.
Samon said:
I think he has sent it to the wrong address....
wow for a man fighting against something this big, he sure is stupid...i think we know why he dislikes computer games and computers so much now, he has no idea how to use them...
Obviously he's forgetting that to purchase over the internet you would require a credit card and therefore be over the age of 18 and therefore be eligible to play GTA: SA.
Jangle said:
did he seriously say that?
Yep. In response to that e-mail I sent him he replied with "couldn't care less".
wow. what a dickhead. That just shows that he doesnt even care about what he's supposed to be 'fighting for'.