Stopping constant autosaving


Nov 16, 2004
Reaction score
I am currently trying to stop Hl2 autosaving round every other corner as it causing my computer to miss a beat everytime it does. Now combined with the rather well known audio stuttering its making this game abit unplayable but if i could stop this autosaving nonsense i might actually consider playing Hl2.
So far i have tried the above command in the console during gameplay, in the config.cfg and by creating an autoexec.cfg file especally for autosaving command. None has worked so i reckon either i have got the command wrong or the is no way to stop autosaving. I really hope its not the latter. Any help appreciated.
Then why is it everytime it pauses i flick to console and it just so happens the game has just executed an autosave? Looks painfully obvious to me.
Flyingbig - its happening to me as well, but luckily for you you arent getting kicked out of the game with a memory reference error. It *seems* that at each autosave - the game stutters and after several autosaves, it crashes - that is unplayable =(
Sorry to hear that, sounds a right bummer (no pun intended). Surely there is something fundamentally wrong with your setup for that to be happening to you. If not i would download hl2 again as your download must be corrupt, theres no way the game should be behaving in that manner.