Stopping Time

Jul 11, 2003
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What if you could stop time?

Everything stops. Waves, planes, cars, ext. Everything but you. You can also make something go into time again.

Ex. Everything is stopped. You look at the ocean and it's not moving. You command it to move, and *poof* it moves.

What would you do if you had the ability to stop time?
I wouldnt want that ability at all
I'd only use it in immoral ways
Then i'd feel bad :(
Theoretically, you wouldn't be able to do much. It would take an infinite amount of energy to even move.

Unless this is magic time stopping which doesn't give a damn about the rules.

Then I would do as much as possible.
You must mean stopping time for everyone but yourself.

Steal stuff, do naughty things.
no roules no science stuff
just plain ol' stopping time foreveryone but urself and being able to pause/ unpause stuff

id like to help some poor people somehow
like taking stuff from rich greedy people adn giving it to the poor
THEN i'd look at some things... :naughty:
Well, assuming this follows the basic laws of physics, and you didn't really stop time, but just reallllllly slow it down, I'd have to agree with Thing; not only would it take an incredibly large amount of energy to move yourself, but it would take even more to move something that is 'stopped.'

Clockstoppers was such a bad example of this. They could move stuff, glass would break and then slow down (huh?), and cars could drive. I mean. Come. On.
-Viper- said:
Well, assuming this follows the basic laws of physics, and you didn't really stop time, but just reallllllly slow it down, I'd have to agree with Thing; not only would it take an incredibly large amount of energy to move yourself, but it would take even more to move something that is 'stopped.'

Clockstoppers was such a bad example of this. They could move stuff, glass would break and then slow down (huh?), and cars could drive. I mean. Come. On.
I dont think this is meant to be a science thread :-/
Its more of a fictional thread..
If you wanna be smart help me out in my thread ^_^
It should be below this one.. plz? :(
I think it's safe to say that most people would go on a raping spree, whether they admit it or not.
Yes indeed. I would grab the boobies of attractive women.
Did you get the idea for this thread from Ctrl+Alt+Del? If so, cool. Glad to see other people read the same comics. If not, neat coincidence.

I'd play all the games before they were released, naturally. And there wouldn't be a single woman on earth out of my league. Haha.

Would you age when you stopped time? That'd suck. All your friends are in their teens and you've used your power so much that you're 80 years old. Boo.
Spartan said:
I think it's safe to say that most people would go on a raping spree, whether they admit it or not.

That just made me laugh so much, you are most probably true about most people doing that.
Practical jokes.

I'd take a goat and hang it from the ceiling of the oval office for example, stuff like that.
Who's gonna play jokes when the womens' changing rooms are just a short journey away!? :E
If you stopped time, then air couldn't move either, which means that you can't move. So it's kinda pointless.
Got to be the old classic - Walk into a bank and take all the muhunay...

Imagine the fun you could have. Evil fun. Stand on railway tracks untill the trains about to hit, then pause time at the last second and move to one side. How cruel :D

Go to building sites, pause time and then take a bunch of bricks and leave them hanging above some fresh cement. Then unpause time...

Whilst people are queing for the ATM with thier cards in thier hands, swap them around. When they get thier pins wrong, the machine will swallow the cards

Pull the lead out of the wall when people are on the phone. Unplug computers.

Swap items in peoples bags around, and ties the bags together with a long piece of string. Whilst they are wearing them.

Move people. Pick people up and move them. For example, go into a town center bar, wait 30 seconds for someone to start a fight, pause time and stick them in front of a brick wall. Leave. :D

Swap the monitor leads of people who work next to each other. Pause time when thier backs are turned to do it.

Mov things as people go to pick them up. Pause just as thier hand reaches it, shift and un-pause. Would work great with a fiver on the street.

Pause. Walk up behind a woman. Unpause. Pinch her bum and quickly pause before she turns round. Move back 10 yards. Unpause again.

If someone has really pissed you off, get a huge elastic band, put it over thier head, stretch. Back off and unpause. Have a camera handy for the expression on thier face :)

*Will think of more and return*
Link said:
Swap the monitor leads of people who work next to each other. Pause time when thier backs are turned to do it.
lol, thats a great trick anyway, i've got to try that some day :cheese:
(except the pausing time bit obviously)...

I'd go searching for beautiful women, like carmen electra, anna kournikova, paris hilton and find out if they are just really photoshopped mingers :p
Probably go round stealing things off muggers...then at least I wouldn't feel so bad :) I wouldn't rape rapists though :O Unless they were concenting attractive female non-rapist rapists.
Who wants to rape a rapist!? Most rapists would be male anyway!

What would I do... I'd run through the streets naked and screaming "FREEDOM" like Mel Gibson from Braveheart. I'd unpause at various locations and my task would be to get back home without being spotted and/or arrested.
lol, I was thinking about this the other day, and all I can say is... anything I wanted :P
This is the exact superpower I would want if I was one day given the choice by a genie. It's such a fantastic idea. Although ultimately I'd become horrifically corrupt - I think most people would...