Stormy Learning to draw


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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Well its defo about time i start to learn to draw. What i am planning on doing is spending arond an hour a day doing some sketches and hopfly, if i keep it up that is, i will update this thread in hope of abit of c+c.


A cople of my friends drawn from pictures.


The second one is real good, but the perspective around the mouth is a little skewed... the first one is ok, but her eyes look really big compared to the rest of her face. But then, she might just have really big eyes.
First drawing tells me you'll been watching SeaLab a little to much ;)
very good stuff for a beginner! you have nice line variation, good clean drawing. keep it up!

I'm not really happy with this pic, but at the same time i don't think it's to bad. I really got the scale wrong on the features and sodded up the chin but the overall shape and form of the features really match up nicly once i get it into photo shop and scale them down. The lips are MASSIVE and the eyes are abit wonky, but i hope im learning from my mistakes.


Only 1 for today. I have started on another but its an enviroment based pic and ill probly post 2morrow when im done.

Was also wonding if anyone has read "drawing from the right side of the brain". I have been reading it today and just wondered what others thought.
That one looks like a cartoon version of someone.
The eyes are also crosseyed, looks like a cartoon..

It's good, better then I could do..

Todays drawing's. The first is an environment. Other two consist of a study of my hand and a cople of fingers and the other is just a little doodle.



Was also wonding if anyone has read "drawing from the right side of the brain". I have been reading it today and just wondered what others thought.

i've heard about it, it's about drawing what oyu see instead of what you think you see isn't it? any book is good. i also recommend Andrew Loomis' stuff, google it.

Havnt been doing to well keeping up my drawing but here is a little update.


So got three days of drawings here, i'm pritty happy with them. After having a go at figures i relized that for now i'm just finding them to hard. My drawings are stuff and don't flow at all how i see them in my head. So i decided it would perhaps be a good idea to work on smaller studies to try and get my work flow moving better. And because i was not getting frustrated drawing these i had a frigging awsome time.




I bought a set of new pencils today, a set of 3 browns and a white from Derwent so these are the first drawings i have done with them. I really enjoyed drawing with somthing other then grey and the 3 tones that came with the set worked really well together.



What would people advice me to try drawing? Should i concentrate on one particular body part for a wile or try and do the whole figure?

This post may sound abit funny but its two in one because im to lazy to edit.
So far these look very nice. A very good start to drawing. Of course, I do have some tips.

First of all, loosen up, you look fairly tight. Don't be afraid to put down alot of line and go dark. It is the contrast that makes things pop, so really try and work some dark values in there. In line with this, avoid outlines. Thats the best way to flatten something. Show volume with high contrast between plane changes. Everyone starts this way, and, in my experience, the best way to solve it is to gesture. Gesture drawings are quick 5 second - 2 minute drawings. They really get you movin'.

For more specific pointers, heres some tips for faces. The high and low points of the eye lids are not above each other, generally the highest point is closer to the tear duct and the low closer to the opposite end. The eye also generally angles up toward the nose (ie, tear duct higher than the other end). As for giving volume and definition to the face, the darkest points are under the eyebrows, under the nose, the upper lip, under the lower lip, and under the chin. This will really help.

You're making a great start, with time and some life drawing classes, you'll be great. Keep up the good work.
Long time no update which is pritty bad on my behalf but today an update is in hand. Been doing alot of design work focusing around the Faith Heavy character over the last cople of days and here are my results. A few variations here and there but i'm happy with the final product.







Games design course Shippi, it's calling you. I'm starting the same one as stormy at the end of this year. The course is part of the art and design department at uni's so aslong as you have above a C in an art and design related A level course they generally accept you :D.

Me likes how the suit design is turning out there stormy.
If your teachers that lame I wouldn't worry about it, you can get in on UCAS points too so there's a bunch of ways to qualify for uni courses. Art and design courses are usually more flexable when it comes to entries anyway.
Catch 22 :P. It's worth pondering over it while browsing through university prospectus's, and mainly it's fun, also if you get on a course that you actually enjoy it's a bonus lol.
You are very good @ drawing.
Thumbs up homie
you're getting there. study proportion and anatomy. try and make more confident lines rather than scribbling all over the place

also, perspective perspective perspective
I'm slowly starting to get the hang of anatomy, its really quite hard to grasp and i can see why it takes so long to understand with so many different bones, muscels and forms. Good fun trying to learn it all.

These four pictures are taken from my groups final game design document. They are the character design pages filled with my concept work for the characters which will be found in the mod.




Another dump! bam! Just a few sketches i have been working on over the last few hours.



