story about a Halo2 tournament to raise money for the victins of the tsunamy

Yeah, nevermind the people who are actually dying.

Or the fact that they're discouraging charity. They think the boys don't play the game anyway?
how about a HL2 tournament to raise money for the victims of the bush administration?
Pfft.. we would only raise a fraction of what would be needed :P

Anyway... I hate people like that... who stops things like that... In finnish we have a word for them... they are called Kukkahattutätejä in finnish, a rough translation would be old ladys with flower hats :p
MaxiKana said:
Pfft.. we would only raise a fraction of what would be needed :P

Anyway... I hate people like that... who stops things like that... In finnish we have a word for them... they are called Kukkahattutätejä in finnish, a rough translation would be old ladys with flower hats :p
Ah, I believe your slang for that would translate to grannies.

Not .. like a grandmother.. but grannies.. naggers.. protesting piddley things that do not need it and are dingbats (mainly things like this "IT'S FOR THE CHILDREN)
Australia's government already gave 1 billion dollars. How much money do the countries need?
Apparently to the idiocy of the worlds population, about $99,000,000,000.00 more.
The problem with this disaster is that while a load of people have gone "Oh dear that looks a little awful lets donate!" When other just as important emergencys happen how many people give money? Very little. It also gets minimal news coverage.

I saw a program where a charity member compared contributions. In Cheznia (sp?) during some sort of disaster all that was raised was about $4 per person effected. Wheres the Mozambique flooding raised $40 per person affected. On this disaster? $400 Per person effected. And that was a while ago.

Makes you think don't it.