Story Time.

Character Choices.

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Jun 18, 2007
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I am going to make a story and post it on here but I am not sure what character from the Half Life collection I should do it on. I'll give you some options and you pick.

I'm heading towards using Dog, Alyx's pet, from Half Life 2 because I think there can be some real character building in there. Also I myself would like to know where Dog goes when he is taken from the city when he is jumps aboard the Combine dropship.

I have given 10 options you can choose from but it is multiple choice so if you are not sure feel free to put 2 options down.

The poll is open indefinitely but I will take the highest voted for choice after 6 hours.

The time is 1:10pm, I'll see your choices at 7:10pm.
Yeah, go with Dog. I always find myself wondering where he went and what he's up to.
It does seem like a good choice doesn't it? He has so much that is unknown about him that I can make into a, hopefully good, story.
Alright I'm going to do a story on Dog. I am hoping that this thread will stay open just so I can see other people's choices (I may make another story with another character). It's getting on in the night so I'll probably start tomorrow. Should be up anytime during the week.
Seems riomhaire couldn't decide between Barney and Dog. For now I'll do dog next time, I don't know because it's a tie. We need more votes.
i chose dog, cubbage, and gregori. all 3 have plenty of room for speculation and story-telling
Thanks for your votes. The first story is definitely going to be about Dog but I'm going to have to start after I finish something over at Myspace...

In case you were wondering, my Myspace link is in my sig.
I voted Dog and Cubbage. I like the idea of a load of short stories, each one focusing on a different character and giving insights into particular aspects seen by the player in the game. Dog would be interesting for the reason you gave - where he goes, etc. For Cubbage I'd like to see some elaboration on his meeting with G-Man.

Storytime, as you say. Look forward to reading the story of whichever character you choose to write about. :)
I think a story about Father Grigori would be sweet, you know, during the time Ravenholm was turned infested, the town went to chaos, and how he went mad

To sate everyone's desire for certain characters, I shall write mini stories on every option that has at least one vote.

If you like the mini story I can further elaborate on it.

Thanks for voicing yourself.

Your voice was heard.

Yours sincerely,

I want a story about Alyx and Dr. Breen fighting over a cookie jar :P
I want a story about Fathor Grigori stealing said cookie jar!