Storyline (Possible Spoilers)


May 9, 2004
Reaction score
I was really disappointed with the storyline, or lack thereof, in Half-Life 2.

As far as I can tell, the storyline is ...

Aliens invade, Dr. Breen is in charge of negotiations, he surrenders and is rewarded with power ... and then Gordon just travels all over the bloody place, then blows everything up ...

Am I wrong? Is this it ... ?

Easy boyos,
I was really disappointed with the storyline, or lack thereof, in Half-Life 2.

As far as I can tell, the storyline is ...

Aliens invade, Dr. Breen is in charge of negotiations, he surrenders and is rewarded with power ... and then Gordon just travels all over the bloody place, then blows everything up ...

Am I wrong? Is this it ... ?

Easy boyos,
There's more to it than that, however i do agree that it does have the same effect like Matrix Reloaded, it doesn't totally make sense until it's concluded.

But it opens up a lot, so the storyline is there.

Edit: Also a person mailed Marc Laidlaw about the show, not tell aspect of the story, and i couldn't agree more.

It might confuse you a bit but did i laugh when i found out i've gone through most of the kanals(had to use cheats because it became exceedingly hard) and then to figure out in the end it was so easy to get the airboat with you.

You get a lot of mixed feelings with it, which in the end just makes you laugh.
Well i really liked it.Iplayed it on easy,and thought it was hard as crap.The ravenholm area scared the crap out of me,worse than Doom3.Now im gonna play it on medium.The story line sets you up for the next HL3.Im waiting for it as we speak lol.
Yeah, I played it on medium and it was quite easy. I understand about the show, not tell rule, but don't you think someone would naturally fill you in when you've been missing for years ...

... wouldn't they want to know where you were?

I think how they handled the story is very much like Half-life, but games have evolved since then. HL2 did in most regards, but this was overlooked.
but don't you think someone would naturally fill you in when you've been missing for years ...

They all assume you know everything, that's the whole beauty of it, they don't even know you missed the last 10 years.

And there's plenty of story, and it's good that it's not all spoonfed to you, like most other games. It really makes you replay and look for all the little clues, because not all the dialogue is told, you have to do certain things to make the NPC's tell small stuff.

I think how they handled the story is very much like Half-life, but games have evolved since then. HL2 did in most regards, but this was overlooked.

You're wrong, it's all the other games that remain in the past. This is a daring new way to tell stories.
Daring and idiotic. This is much too vague for my tastes. Sure you don't have to stare at one NPC for 3 hours as they explain everything to you, but you'd think some of them would reference the events that led to their situation.