Straight from the Evo's mouth


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
Evo said:
CyberPitz said:
Evo said:
CyberPitz said:
Evo said:
Evo said:
CyberPitz said:
Evo said:
CyberPitz said:
Evo said:
CyberPitz said:
Evo said:
CyberPitz said:
Evo said:
CyberPitz said:
Evo said:
CyberPitz said:
Evo said:
CyberPitz said:
Evo said:
CyberPitz said:
Evo said:
"Have you ever been to Wales, Baldrick?"
"No, but I've often thought I'd like to."
"Well don't, it's a ghastly place. Huge gangs of tough sinewy men roam the valleys terrifying people with their close harmony singing. You need half a pint of phlegm in your throat just to pronounce the
placenames. Never ask for directions in Wales Baldrick, you'll be washing spit out of your hair for a fortnight."

- Edmund & Baldrick
:( I want to visit Wales...

So do i...wait


Send me some Welsh land, so I can visit it.

*digs up some earth from the lawn and sends to Pitzy*
^_^ yaY! You mind if I jizz on it and send it back?


:cheers: :hmph: :cheese:

I wanna do that little guy.

I did him earlier :eek:
Good thing I don't mind sloppy seconds.

:bounce: :bounce:
:borg: :borg: :borg:

Nearly been a year since this epic PM :O
Wow, I even remember that. Was definitely epic!

It was beyond was fabulous!
Can we make it Shenstastic?!

Indeed it is Shenstastic!

Now go post about this Epic PM! :D

Epic pm is epic.
Epic PMs start from something random (Blackadder) continue with randomness for a while until someone forgets to reply, then finally someone looks back in their PMs and decides to relive the Epic PM! :D