Strange mouse stutter in L4D


Feb 10, 2005
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Whenever I play Left 4 Dead, if I press any keyboard button while moving the mouse, it makes the mouse "stutter", as if it's moving in steps rather than flowing smoothly. It also seems to make it much less sensitive than usual. As you'd guess, it makes turning a pain and aiming accurately almost impossible.

This only happens in L4D's gameplay, not in any other game(Source or otherwise), not with the mouse cursor outside of the game, not even in L4D's own menus. Does anyone have any idea what's going on and how to fix it?
Just as an update on the situation...restarting my laptop temporarily fixed the problem, but it quickly came back. I did some googling and experimenting, and found that turning off "multicore rendering" in the video options fixed the problem. Hopefully it'll be permanent this time.
Ermmmm... maybe its the mouse? But if that multicore rendering disable fixed it then coolio :D