Strange problem with graphic glitches

Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
I just put together a new comp a yesterday. Aopen 6800gt, amd 64 3500, 1 gig o ram, a8n sli mobo.

However i seem to have a severe problem.

In half life 2 and also in battlefield 2, i get all sorts of graphical glitches. Like the textures will flicker black for a brief moment or in the case of battlefield 2, they will flicker blue.

I have the latest drivers so i don't think thats the problem.

My only leads so far is that

a. maybe my powersupply is not powerful enough
b. the fact that i have to different brands of 512mb memory in my comp
c. my harddrive is not very fast only 5200 rpm as i've always bought more external hds whenever i needed more hd room.
d. maybe my 6800 is defective
e. some other thingy i am not aware of.

There also seems to be some weird issue with the computer suddenly restarting itself unexpectadly, but this only happened 3x early on and hasn't happened since.