Strange things you've thought about lately



Well, I read the "Strange Things You Bought Lately" thread as thought lately, I decided to start a odd things you've thought about lately thread
so what odd things have you thought about?
(if incredibly strange, a picture may be necessary)
Lately I have been thinking of all kinds of scorpions (not just the bug)

I can't. It's a breach of forum protocol to post those pictures...
Lately I've been pondering: if they called them, "Sad Meals," would anybody buy them? I think I might.

I think I might.
I've been wondering why the **** silly putty sometimes sticks to shit and you can't get it off.
Lately I've been pondering: if they called them, "Sad Meals," would anybody buy them? I think I might.

I think I might.

they'd sell like batter cakes and ground pig meat/cartilage wrapped in intestine

althought I can see a market for Sad cakes targeted at the obese/recently dumped
Me said:
I've always wondered what it'd be like to have a lover who's also a furry. Would I have to dress up? Because that'd make me uncomfortable. Would she make weird noises in the bedroom? Because that would be awesome.

-Angry Lawyer
Hmm... dating a furry, now that'd be awesome.
Messaging with a Mexican Masochist on MSN while getting a Massage from a Malaysian Mum.

And doing Chi.

- Pax
A gumball machine at the local grocery store sells enormous gumballs that are without exaggeration as big as large chicken eggs. They have the hard candy shell outside and gum on the inside. I tried to eat one but was not able to. I was wondering if I would have tried harder if I had come across that thing when I was younger. I never actually finished one of those large jawbreakers (like baseball sized jobs). They got too messy and my tongue hurt about halfway through.
there's this chain restaurant called "Philthy McNasty's"....who the **** came up with that name? LOL
"I have reflected many times upon our rigid search.
It has shown me...
...that everything is illuminated in the light of the past.
It is always along the side of us...
...on the inside, looking out.
Like you say, inside out.
Jonfen, in this way, I will always be along the side of your life.
And you will always be along the side of mine.
Our families will be with us, and our families' families.
Your grandfather.
And perhaps, in some way, my grandfather as well.
It is possible I will never know why Grandfather did this to himself.
Perhaps he wished to bury his life...
...along the side of his past.
But I must tell you, Jonfen... this moment, he seemed, as if for the first time in his life...
...contented to be where he was.
Jonfen, I am sending you this...
...because we have shared something to exist for.
And, of course, in case anyone comes searching.
Alexander Baruch Perchov
Sammy Davis Jr. Jr.!
I've thought about going underground to rebel against the system. Can't be arsed to dig a hole.
i mean...why the hell would you name your restaurant Philthy Mcnasty's?? and what really boggles my mind is they're successful.
Invite your friends in there sometime.

It might not even be a restaurant.

why do they call them stands when they're for sitting?