Strange vehicle problem...


Mar 5, 2005
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My front left wheel is 3 feet behind the vehicle! In xsi everything is in place, but the wheel is about 7 feet behind where it should be! ive attached my qc file. also, that one particular wheel rotates around the model when it should be spinning in place like a wheel should. when i steer it just alters the orbit lol. anyway heres the qc, i doubt thats the problem. if anyone wants to have a look at the xsi files let me know ill put them in a rar and upload them to my site.

$modelname "mymodels\police.mdl"
$scale 11 

$body studio "car_ref.smd" 

$surfaceprop "metal" 

$cdmaterials "mymodels\"

$collisionmodel "car_phys.smd" { 
// Mass in kilograms 
$mass 500.0 

$poseparameter "vehicle_wheel_fl_height" 0 1 
$poseparameter "vehicle_wheel_fr_height" 0 1 
$poseparameter "vehicle_wheel_rl_height" 0 1 
$poseparameter "vehicle_wheel_rr_height" 0 1 

$attachment wheel_fl "car_axel_fl" 0 0 0 
$attachment wheel_fr "car_axel_fr" 0 0 0 
$attachment wheel_rl "car_axel_rl" 0 0 0 
$attachment wheel_rr "car_axel_rr" 0 0 0 

$attachment vehicle_driver_eyes "car_view" 0.00 0.00 0.00 

$animation neutral "car_idle" frames 1 10 

$poseparameter "vehicle_wheel_fl_spin" -180 180 wrap 
$poseparameter "vehicle_wheel_fr_spin" -180 180 wrap 
$poseparameter "vehicle_wheel_rl_spin" -180 180 wrap 
$poseparameter "vehicle_wheel_rr_spin" -180 180 wrap 

$weightlist front_wheels { "car_axel_fr" 1.0 "car_axel_fl" 1.0 } 
$animation turn_left "car_turn" frame 1 1 subtract neutral 0 weightlist front_wheels 
$animation turn_right "car_turn" frame 3 3 subtract neutral 0 weightlist front_wheels 
$sequence turning { turn_left turn_right blend vehicle_steer -1 1 } weightlist front_wheels delta autoplay 

// front right 
$weightlist wheel_fr { "car_axel_fr" 1.0 } 
$animation wheel_fr_low "car_suspension" frame 1 1 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_fr 
$animation wheel_fr_high "car_suspension" frame 3 3 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_fr 
$sequence wheel_fr_suspension { wheel_fr_low wheel_fr_high blend "vehicle_wheel_fr_height" 0 1.0 } weightlist wheel_fr delta autoplay 
$animation wheel_fr_spin0 "car_spin" frame 1 1 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_fr 
$animation wheel_fr_spin120 "car_spin" frame 3 3 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_fr 
$animation wheel_fr_spin240 "car_spin" frame 6 6 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_fr 
$sequence wheel_fr_spin { wheel_fr_spin0 wheel_fr_spin120 wheel_fr_spin240 wheel_fr_spin0 blendwidth 4 blend "vehicle_wheel_fr_spin" -180 180 } weightlist wheel_fr delta autoplay 

// front left 
$weightlist wheel_fl { "car_axel_fl" 1.0 } 
$animation wheel_fl_low "car_suspension" frame 1 1 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_fl 
$animation wheel_fl_high "car_suspension" frame 3 3 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_fl 
$sequence wheel_fl_suspension { wheel_fl_low wheel_fl_high blend "vehicle_wheel_fl_height" 0 1.0 } weightlist wheel_fl delta autoplay 
$animation wheel_fl_spin0 "car_spin" frame 1 1 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_fl 
$animation wheel_fl_spin120 "car_spin" frame 3 3 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_fl 
$animation wheel_fl_spin240 "car_spin" frame 6 6 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_fl 
$sequence wheel_fl_spin { wheel_fl_spin0 wheel_fl_spin120 wheel_fl_spin240 wheel_fl_spin0 blendwidth 4 blend "vehicle_wheel_fl_spin" -180 180 } weightlist wheel_fl delta autoplay 

// rear right 
$weightlist wheel_rr { "car_axel_rr" 1.0 } 
$animation wheel_rr_low "car_suspension" frame 1 1 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_rr 
$animation wheel_rr_high "car_suspension" frame 3 3 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_rr 
$sequence wheel_rr_suspension { wheel_rr_low wheel_rr_high blend "vehicle_wheel_rr_height" 0 1.0 } weightlist wheel_rr delta autoplay 
$animation wheel_rr_spin0 "car_spin" frame 1 1 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_rr 
$animation wheel_rr_spin120 "car_spin" frame 3 3 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_rr 
$animation wheel_rr_spin240 "car_spin" frame 6 6 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_rr 
$sequence wheel_rr_spin { wheel_rr_spin0 wheel_rr_spin120 wheel_rr_spin240 wheel_rr_spin0 blendwidth 4 blend "vehicle_wheel_rr_spin" -180 180 } weightlist wheel_rr delta autoplay 

// rear left 
$weightlist wheel_rl { "car_axel_rl" 1.0 } 
$animation wheel_rl_low "car_suspension" frame 1 1 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_rl 
$animation wheel_rl_high "car_suspension" frame 3 3 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_rl 
$sequence wheel_rl_suspension { wheel_rl_low wheel_rl_high blend "vehicle_wheel_rl_height" 0 1.0 } weightlist wheel_rl delta autoplay 
$animation wheel_rl_spin0 "car_spin" frame 1 1 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_rl 
$animation wheel_rl_spin120 "car_spin" frame 3 3 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_rl 
$animation wheel_rl_spin240 "car_spin" frame 6 6 subtract neutral 0 weightlist wheel_rl 
$sequence wheel_rl_spin { wheel_rl_spin0 wheel_rl_spin120 wheel_rl_spin240 wheel_rl_spin0 blendwidth 4 blend "vehicle_wheel_rl_spin" -180 180 } weightlist wheel_rl delta autoplay

you might notice its identical to tomdon's tutorial, thats because it is, i just wanted to see how my model looked ingame so far so i rigged it up just like his.
well ive fixed that problem but now it acts as though the right side wheels arent there, but they still show up there. heres a screen shot from model viewer with hitboxes, attachments, and bones on. for some reason only the front left wheel shows up as a bone, note that all the wheel attachments are on the left side.
k ill check that out thanks a lot
unfortunately its not what im looking for. ive fixed the main problem here, but now nothing is animating properly. maybe if that tutorial used xsi it would be more helpful, but unfortunately for me all i can find is for max.