Strangely Addictive Game

First one was pretty cool...I took 3rd and 1st in the top 10

Gotta get a perfect score now!

EDIT: Winnar! Perfect score and time bonus!
I got fouth and I'm done.

Second ones hard...and f*cking annoying sound effects :P
I liked the first game :P They got the controls spot on, I love the look and feel of the game.
Glirk Dient said:
First one was pretty cool...I took 3rd and 1st in the top 10

Gotta get a perfect score now!

EDIT: Winnar! Perfect score and time bonus!
I saw your name on there. :dork:

Holy shit what are you guys Jedi masters? :hmph:

At least I got on the top 10 list..untill I get wiped off. ;(

What a horrible waste of time.
I don't see a high score list for the first one, I don't even see an endgame sequence of sorts. Does the game last forever or something?